View Full Version : Slow Regeneration in Section View Only

2008-11-30, 08:51 AM
Hi All,

I was wondering if someone may have an explanation (or at least an educated guess), on why, within a model the regeneration is much slower in a section view than in other views?

The model is relatively small (27meg), yet when trying to draw details lines in a section it takes an eternity from when I click the start of the detail line to when it appears on the screen.

I have switched off shadows in every view within the model, changed all veiws to be wireframe and have purged all unwanted families from the model with no noticable impact. There is a fair bit of 2d line work, masking regions, and filled regions in the section. Are these the culprit?

I am running 2009 64bit under Vista Business 64bit on a Pentium Duo Core chip with 8 Gig of ram.

It has been a very frustrating Sunday afternoon with a section which should have taken less than an hour to do, taking up most of the afternoon!

Any suggestions? Thanks



I tried with open gl off and on - no difference

Andre Carvalho
2008-11-30, 03:06 PM
If you create another section (a new one) exactly in the same spot as the one that's slow, how is it in terms of speed if compared with the other?

I ask you that because one of the things that considerably slows down a view is overriding individual elements. If in your section, you have too many elements being overridden (by right clicking them and then "Override elements in this view") then it may take forever to pan, create new entities, etc...

If there's overrides in this view, the new section with no overrides at all will show the true regeneration speed your view should have.

Andre Carvalho

2008-11-30, 06:19 PM
Hi Andre,

I had only a few things turned off. - Fences as a catagory, one floor and three redundant levels. Excepting for the floor which I need to have off, I turned everything else back on or simply deleted it if it wasn't required.

This has made some improvement, but it is still quite slow.

I made another section close to the troublesome one and it behaves beautifully, where detail lines, masking region and anything which goes into sketch mode are quick and easy as normal.




Andre Carvalho
2008-11-30, 06:48 PM
I had only a few things turned off.

Hi Ian,

Just to clarify, what I meant is overriding individual elements and not turning some OFF by using Visibility Graphics Overrides dialog box.

Views will have a significant negative impact in speed regeneration when you start to override individual elements (I mean, when you select, let's say, a wall, right click on it, pick Override Graphics in View, By element, and select options to override.)

If you have many of these overrides in your view, then things will be very slow...

Andre Carvalho

2008-11-30, 06:55 PM
Hi Andre,
I did understand what you meant previously and it indeed was I was describing - albeit poorly.

The elements I mention previously were ones where thier visibility was controlled by the right click - hide in view option.

Interestingly, it is only the one section which is causing any trouble. All the other sections and call outs have no problems whatso ever.



Henry D
2008-11-30, 07:49 PM
A few months ago, I had a similar issue but it was with a floor plan... it was painfully slow to regenerate. What I did was, one by one, turned off the visibility of each category until the view regenerated at a normal speed. I then fixed the problem....if I remember right, the issue had to do with a floor that was locked to all the walls.

Andre Carvalho
2008-11-30, 07:57 PM
Interestingly, it is only the one section which is causing any trouble. All the other sections and call outs have no problems whatso ever.

I see... And what if you create a view template from one of the sections that are working fine and apply it to the section with slow regeneration time?

Andre Carvalho

2008-11-30, 07:58 PM
Hi Henry,

Thanks for the info, I will switch off each category as suggested & see what happens.

It should at least isolate where the problem is.



2008-11-30, 08:00 PM
I see... And what if you create a view template from one of the sections that are working fine and apply it to the section with slow regeneration time?

Andre Carvalho

Great idea,

I will give it a whirl and let you know.



2008-11-30, 08:40 PM
Hi Andre,

Creating a view template did not improve the speed of reneration & detail line work in the troublesome section.

I will try Henry's suggestion & see how it goes.



2008-11-30, 08:45 PM
How far is the view depth in that section? Is it looking very far *in to* the model? When you create another section right next to it, is it slow as well?

It sounds to me like Revit is *tripping over something,* like something in THAT section has a constraint or a locked dimension or something that is making it think and think and think.

Select everything in the section, do you get an exclamation point box in the Option bar, indicating something selected has a Warning attached to it? If yes, how many, and what warnings are they?

Are the floors in that section locked to things? Sketches constrained, etc? How large are the floors that are in that section? (This came up on a project where someone had a 200,000SF floor sketch with constraints... brought the model to its knees).

Let us know...

2008-11-30, 09:12 PM
Thanks everyone for you assistance.

I finally found what was causing all the grief.

Unbeknownst to me, the goblins (it must have been the goblins, because I would not do something so silly??!!), created an array of a few hundred (or possibly thousand) detail component items at a scale which made it seem like a line rather than a group of items.

When selecting everything, as suggested by twiceroadsfool, I found that the total items in the section was much, much bigger than any of the other sections, and went searching a little more closely.

How or when I did this I have no idea, although I guess working late one night and getting up early the next morning is the likely cause.

Thanks again,


2008-11-30, 11:53 PM
Glad you got it sorted out. Process of elimation works very well in Revit, to figure out what is wrong in situations like that. :)