View Full Version : Revit.ini manager

2008-12-01, 08:24 AM
Hi Folks,

There's been a few of us AUGI members who have dabbled with Autohotkey to put together the local file creator. Dave Baldacchino came up with an idea to use the same tool to allow modification of the Revit.ini file, without a complete wipe of all the other settings the users should be able to keep. Currently if you overwrite a file with a new 'enterprise' Revit.ini file, this is what would occur.

The attached file is an Autohotkey (AHK) script (you'll need to rename it to .AHK format after downloading), which will allow those values set in the code to be effected to the local user's Revit.ini file, while not touching whatever is not explicitly coded as an override.

Library locations proved to be a big issue, as it would be best for the users to be able to keep their custom libraries, but also have any official ones set correctly at all times. So this code adds these if they're not present, and amends them if they're present but set incorrectly.

It hasn't been tested much yet - it's early days. I presume XP will allow the changes more easily than Vista - particularly with non-administrator rights etc. Any feedback is appreciated. I haven't included a compiled version, because the desired settings will be different for different organisations (also very different with Metric vs. Imperial etc.).

PLEASE NOTE: Since you may be changing an important file, please do the obviously necessary thing and test on a dummy revit.ini file, or back one up first...

In any case, I hope it is helpful and will lead to something great! I just hope that now that all this work has gone into it, Autodesk don't go and improve this side of things for Revit 2010.

2009-01-13, 04:29 AM
No interest in this, folks? Or is it you need more information to use it?

2009-01-13, 03:23 PM
Nice work.

I'd add something to delete the Username, like:
InputVar = C:\Program Files (x86)\Revit Architecture 2009\Program\revit.ini
IfExist, %InputVar%
IniDelete, %InputVar%, Partitions, Username

It would be better if Revit gave a warning if Username was different from was different from the login username.