View Full Version : Multi-line keynote

2008-12-01, 08:08 PM
Hi all
Does anyone know how to make a multi-line keynote callout's leader line snap to the first line of text NOT the middle of the text? We have changed the keynote .txt file and some of the single line keynote callouts have turned into multi-line keynote callouts. This has caused all of the leader lines to act like the image attached. Even if we just deal with the fact that the leader comes from the middle of the text and not the top, when we try and adjust the leader line so it is horizontal, it doesn't "snap" to anything. Seems like there should be a way to make the leader line always originate from the first line of text no matter how many lines your text is. Or, at the very least, have your leader line snap to a horizontal.

2008-12-01, 08:53 PM
i dont know how you make NOT snap to the first line of text. if you click "Text" in the basics tab, it should start from the first line automatically, like in this example:

2008-12-01, 09:55 PM
I believe your example is a text with a leader, but I'm talking about keynote text. So I place a component, go to the drafting tab, then select keynote element. Then when I keynote an element with a multi-line keynote this is where I come across this problem.