View Full Version : RAC 09 Visibility Bug or Feature?

2008-12-05, 04:16 PM
I ran into a visibility control problem which I’m not sure if it’s a feature or a bug. Given my frustration with this problem I would tend to call it a bug.

I’m working in the latest version of RAC 09 with the current updates installed.

The problem I encountered was with a column. The column initially looked fine when in plan view but when I modified the view range in the family to work on the saddle shifting my view range to a cut of 14’ and a top limit of 17’ and reloaded it into the project the column jumped below the slab in plan view only. To make the issue more perplexing the column appeared fine in 3d and elevation views.

It appears that the project is reading the view range limits that have been set in the family for some reason and adjusting how the element is viewed in plan. When I shifted back to the original cut and top limit values in the family and reloaded family the column appeared fine in plan view.

Hope this helps others that might encounter this problem and saves them the hours I spent trying to track this down..

2008-12-05, 04:23 PM
I think the plan cut height in the family editor affects how the family appears in a project for most families.

2008-12-05, 04:47 PM
Any explanation for that?

If I'm cutting the project at a set elevation I expect all elements to be cut at that elevation. Otherwise the plan representation is inaccurate. I can see having the ability within the project to set particular elements cut heights for communication purposes but not at the family level.

2008-12-05, 04:57 PM
i have ran into something like that myself...

2009-01-23, 09:49 PM
I've hit this wall again on a door family. I've attached the family for review. I was able to correct my previous problem mentioned above by resetting the cut elevation height in the family but that fix doesn't seem to work on this family. Perplexing! Any suggestions.

cliff collins
2009-01-23, 10:05 PM
Try constraining these elements to a Level in the Project.

Or perhaps attaching the column to a floor or ceiling/roof/slab above?

Is there a conflicting Level in the Family? See if there is a constraint in the Family that is
causing problems in the Project.


2009-01-23, 11:21 PM
Ok I found a fix for the door but I'm not sure its the proper way to handle this family's issue.

For some reason I'm seeing the head frame which is independent from the jamb frames. Normally with the cut line well below the head you shouldn't be able to see the head frame, which makes me think this is a BUG.

The fix was to go into the door family, select the head frame and go into the Element Properties then Visibility/Graphics Overrides and uncheck the Plan/RCP to turn off its display in those views.
