View Full Version : Old Wish List Items

2008-12-06, 06:23 AM
Hi all,

I was wondering what happens to all the old wish list items.

I had an idea of a wish to be able to control shadows with a phase toggle button.
Existing Shadows off/on
New Shadows off/on
All shadows

Having searched through the previous wish lists, there seemed to be a number which were similar in intent.

Given that we have what we have today, does this mean that the factory is constrained by the software and unable to fulfil these wishes, or have simply forgotten as they slip off the radar from one delivery cycle to the next.



Mods: I was unsure where to post this, please move if inappropriate for this forum.

2008-12-08, 05:44 PM
What would be the purpose of viewing ONLY new or existing shadows, since you would never see them that way in real life?

You can easily change your view's phase settings to display only existing, or only new, and then you would only see shadows from those existing or new elements. However I don't see why you would want to have both new and existing elements visible, but only see shadows from one or the other?

2008-12-08, 07:43 PM
Hi Patricks,

Although it wasn't clear in my dot points above, (and I must say the entire thought process for the wish list item was still in the formative process), what I am really after is an ability to differentiate between new and old shadows.

Currently, I use filled regions on the shadow diagrams to show the new area and by reference the rest is existing. On some trickier sites (particularly the small inner urban sites I commonly work on), it is often difficult to pick exactly the new areas precisely, and if one ends up at a tribunal arguing with some lawyers over the shadows I really want them to be bulletproof. With an off/on toggle it would become instantly clear.

Because the vast majority of my work is in inner urban extensions / renovations / new housing, using the phase filters for shadows is often problematic for me as I haven't yet been able to master some of the work arounds posted here for the part demolition of roofs and inevitably end up, (for productivity sake) simply using a masking region and line work on existing roof plans to nominate the area to be demolished.

In any case, do you know what happens to old wish list items, has the factory seen them had a look and said - "nope no can do" or have they slipped off the radar in the rush to get new functionality into the software.



2008-12-08, 08:19 PM
The idea of shadow analysis is very important and legally required in some municipalities. At SOM, we had a CAD/BIM system in the 80's which could do calculate shadows in vector format so you could even calculate the areas of shadows cast on the ground.

As far as the status of old wishes goes, they go into the wish recycling bin of course! ;)
Seriously, you might want to consult our Wishlist Manager, Wes Macaulay.

2008-12-08, 08:52 PM
Thanks James,
I will send Wes a PM and ask.

In this part of the world, we are required to calculate the area of Total shadow - new and old and showing each diagrammatically, to evaluate if the new works have an unreasonable shadow impact.

For the vast majority of properties which large allotment size it is no big deal, but in the inner urban sites shadowing is the single most common objection to any town planning application, and hence the personal concern.

Thanks again, once I have an answer from Wes I will post it here.

