View Full Version : Displaying Walls

2004-10-07, 04:05 PM
Hi there,
It's getting late so I hope this is a really easy one...
How can I display my wall types in different colour in medium or fine detail?
Eg I want External walls in one colour, internal structural walls in another and internal partitions in yet another colour.

I hope not to hear the word 'phasing' as this, I suspect, will become cumbersome.

Any ideas???


Phil Palmer
2004-10-07, 04:26 PM

If you set your view to display in 'Coarse' view firstly
Then you have an option in the wall types to display a different cut pattern at course level of detail.
You could then have a solid fill with various colours defining each wall type
Thats the best way I found


2004-10-07, 04:27 PM
You can use a phase filter in whatever phase you are in and use phase override materials. this should not be cumbersome as it will be view specific in terms of application of the filter.

2004-10-07, 04:43 PM
Setting walls to display coarse is the best solution and then assign each wall type the desired coarse fill. Note that you can either set the whole view to display as coarse - or if you want the wall to display coarse and the rest of the objects to display fine, use the detail over ride in the visibility graphics dialog.

2004-10-08, 08:32 AM
this should not be cumbersome as it will be view specific... .

Hello Peter,

My concern is that I may have say 10 floors on which I need to show External, Structural, existing partions, new partitions, full height partitions low level partitions etc.etc...

This will add up to a LOT of views. If I could do it in the wall style that would be much easier.

It is easy in coarse view so I think that in the absence of any other solution I will have to sacrifice details that only appear in Fine/Med detail.

Thanks a lot for an excellent resource/service. Don't know what I'd do without AUGI!
