View Full Version : Linked Models problems

2008-12-09, 07:51 PM
I have 8 building I am making seperate files then adding them into a master sheet file. I have many prombles REvit 2009 Arch.

1. My keynote, dimesnions and room labels, etc will not show up in linked model. My room "x" will show up?

2. My levels change, in the floor plan it all becomes level 1 etc, but in elevation I have more and they have the correct name?

3. Can I use notations? I read it was a way to go in another post.

4. If I use a workset does this make the file larger? Also if I can not link to a sheet file then everything would be in the same file correct?

Any help would be great.

Scott Womack
2008-12-10, 11:46 AM
1. My keynote, dimensions and room labels, etc will not show up in linked model. My room "x" will show up?

You have to go into the View Graphics Overrides for the view(s), set the linked file to Custom, and then specify the view you want to appear on a plan, elevation, section, interior elevation, etc. This information can be saved in a View template to apply to views.

2. My levels change, in the floor plan it all becomes level 1 etc, but in elevation I have more and they have the correct name?

I don't understand the question, the way you have phrased it, so I cannot address it.

3. Can I use notations? I read it was a way to go in another post.

Are you referring to text, or Keynoting? Keynotes from within the linked file may not appear in the master file. I don't use Keynoting, so I do not know.

4. If I use a workset does this make the file larger? Also if I can not link to a sheet file then everything would be in the same file correct?

Worksets may have a minimal effect on file size. Yes to the last question

2008-12-10, 02:48 PM
2. My levels change, in the floor plan it all becomes level 1 etc, but in elevation I have more and they have the correct name?

I'm guessing you're seeing all the levels from the 8 files? Look at the answer to question 1 from Scott

3. Can I use notations? I read it was a way to go in another post.

I'm guessing (here to) that you are looking to do your annotations in a separate file? Can be done but only with specifics.

It would help to describe the project. Did you break down the model in 8 files because it was too big or you really have 8 models? If you do have 8 models how do you plan on delivering?

2008-12-10, 06:55 PM
To clarify
We have 8 buildings, in seperate files, a site file and a drawings file. I want to link each model into my drawing file.

1. When I link each model all my levels are lost and become the same as my drawings file. I will look into the custom setting suggested.

2. I have keynotes, diminesions and rooms names, etc in each of my models, when I link them into the drawing file nothing shows up, and since i can not keynote a linked file there seems little point in linking files. Is there a way to get around this?

3. I am planning to insert each file in as a group, it seems to elimante many of my problems, is this a good idea?

Please let me know if you need more information.

2008-12-10, 07:46 PM
Unfortunately, Annotations (keynotes, dimensions) do not come across links. You can use Linked Views in VG to see them in your views, but that's it, they generally report within their own database only. You can, however, read Rooms across links, now since R2009. Linking, then binding into the file as a group is fine, just make sure your computer has 20x's the file size in RAM to run the model (e.g. once all bound in together happily, if the file is 100MB, multiply by 20 = 2GB minimum *for Revit* (make sure there's room for your OS)). Your levels should maintain, I would make sure that the Levels in the files you're linking in are not on a Workset that is "not visible in all views by default." If they are, then they will not come through a link.