View Full Version : Load from Library suddenly takes FOREVER

2008-12-09, 08:26 PM
I can't figure out what's going on here. Suddenly within the past hour or so, when I point to File > Load Family > Load from Library, my machine will sit there for literally 5 minutes or more before it finally brings up the Load Family window.

I can open a Windows Explorer window and navigate to our Revit library on the server with no problem at all. I can drag a family into the project to load it. I have re-started Revit, and even re-booted my machine, and it's still doing this, in ALL files.

The server is up and running just fine in the back room. It's only when I try to load a family from the Load Family menu item that it does this. It's pretty frusrating because that's how I usually load families, and once I start the process, it sits there like the machine has locked up until the window finally comes up, so I can do nothing about it.

Default path for user files is still pointing to the same network drive location that it always has. Any ideas?

2008-12-09, 09:58 PM
Windows likes to do that kind of thing when it's looking for a machine that's no longer on the network.
Is there maybe a Shortcut in the folder you're trying to get to? Or some other sort of a file that would reference an off-line address?
Ooh, Ooh!, maybe a file's icon somehow got changed to point somewhere weird.

2008-12-09, 11:05 PM
Hold up, I have a Place specified for our FTP server, which places an icon to that directory in the left-most box of the Open window. The FTP server is currently shut down at the moment, could that be what is causing this problem?

2008-12-10, 02:06 PM
It appears our FTP machine was the problem. As soon as I got it back online this morning, I now have no problems with the Load from Library or File > Open dialog boxes.

I just hate that it acts that way just because the FTP machine is offline, when it's not actually pointing to that folder to start with. It always points to a location on our Z server machine, which is always up.