View Full Version : Linked Revit file not displaying?

2008-12-10, 05:29 PM
I have a site Revit file (containing CAD link and topo only) linked into a building model file. On all of my site plans, the topography will display, but the CAD file does not. I have to change the site link's visibility setting from By Host View to By Linked View, and set the view to the site plan view in the linked file in order to see the CAD file while in the building model. Is this normal behavior? Why won't it display if it's set to By Host View?

2008-12-10, 06:38 PM
Is the DWG linked/imported as Attachment or as overlay? Is it imported "this view only" in the Topo File, or is it linked in, in the actual Model? Is your host views VG settings set to have Imports turned off?

2008-12-10, 07:50 PM
It could be simply that it is Imported, and not Linked. If so, it's acting as an annotation, where you want it to be Linked and Attached, as Aaron says.

Oh, and I say that not to be critical. Been there, done that. Glass doors hurt to walk into.


2008-12-10, 10:06 PM
The CAD file is a link (not import) and it is linked in project-wide (not in current view) in the Site model.

The views in question in my Building model have imports turned on.

There are no worksets in the Site model, however the Site model link in my Building model is set to the Site workset, which is turned on in the views in question.

When the Site link is set to By Host View for the views in question, the CAD file does not display.

2008-12-10, 10:09 PM
Could it be outside the clip plane?

2009-02-05, 11:35 PM
Could it be outside the clip plane?

Or, is it possible that the dwg displays in the Site model because it is set to wireframe but is actually located BELOW the toposurface on a shaded or hidden view?