View Full Version : Titleblock / Raster Image

2008-12-15, 08:11 PM
I have an image imported within my titleblock. The image seems to be affecting the output of the sheet.
1) When I try to print the sheet "fit to page", only the image shows up. All linework and text does not print.
2) When I zoom into the corner of the sheet where the image is and print the sheet "zoom = 100%", everything prints as it should.
3) When I delete the image from the sheet and print "fit to page" (as I did in #1), the sheet prints as it should i.e. all linework and text prints.
I am trying to trouble shoot this within my Titleblock family.
Any comments or help would be appreciated.

Scott Womack
2008-12-15, 08:23 PM
I have an image imported within my titleblock. The image seems to be affecting the output of the sheet.
1) When I try to print the sheet "fit to page", only the image shows up. All linework and text does not print.
2) When I zoom into the corner of the sheet where the image is and print the sheet "zoom = 100%", everything prints as it should.
3) When I delete the image from the sheet and print "fit to page" (as I did in #1), the sheet prints as it should i.e. all linework and text prints.
I am trying to trouble shoot this within my Titleblock family.
Any comments or help would be appreciated.

If you just put a scanned image into the titleblock, and then just "dragged" the size down to fit, THAT is the problem. When you use an image in a titleblock family, it needs to be made exactly to the correct size, i.e. if it is 2" square when the sheet is plotted, the image needs to be edited in an image editor to be a finished size of 2" x 2" at I believe 72 DPI.

2008-12-15, 09:19 PM
Thank you.
I had manipulated the imported image size.
Your suggestion worked great.

2008-12-16, 01:33 PM
if it is 2" square when the sheet is plotted, the image needs to be edited in an image editor to be a finished size of 2" x 2" at I believe 72 DPI.

In my experience, taking a logo down to around 2" square at 72 dpi in Photoshop makes the logo EXTREMELY poor quality.

I'm working on a design-build project right now with the GC's logo on the title block right below ours. The image size is around 2" x 5" 150 dpi. When I drop it onto my title block family, of course it gets enlarged as Revit automatically converts it to 72 dpi, but all the image information is still there. Then I sized the image down to about 3" wide to fit the required space.

I just printed a 24x36 sheet from the project with that logo on the title block, fit to 11x17 on our Xerox printer, and it came out perfectly fine. So "fit to page" with an image that's been resized in Revit should not be the issue.

*edit* I just tried scaling that logo in Photoshop to the final size used on my title block, at 72 dpi. The entire image becomes extremely pixelated and the GC's address information is almost illegible.

Scott Womack
2008-12-17, 11:13 AM
A single sheet will work fine, once there are a hundred or so, with that "adjusted" logo, experience has shown me that the project will bod down significantly, and become much less stable. Hopefully you won't experience it.

2008-12-17, 01:58 PM
We were having a problem with this title block bogging down our project, but the image file was over 1 MB. I scaled it down to the final size mentioned above (around 5" wide 150 dpi) and added a bit more JPEG compression to bring the size down to around 200 KB. Our project file runs much better now.