View Full Version : Additive Alternates

2008-12-16, 05:36 PM
How do you guys handle Additive Alternate bid Dwgs in Revit....A separate File?...Phasing?
Your Tips are highly appreciated, thanks guys...

2008-12-16, 05:44 PM
We have found that Design Options work well for this particular instance.

Separate files - I would be cautious about this just because of the coordination that would be involved in managing two files, what sheets to print...

2008-12-16, 06:19 PM
Design options is the only way to fly, in those situations. Then you can duplicate schedules, and show the various options, show the various details and drawings, etc...

2008-12-16, 09:14 PM

(Aaron, you're beating me to the punch today. I keep opening the reply button before you post, checking the post before I post, and there you are. Are those guys at Lake keeping you busy enough???)

We have used linked files before for this, but that was due to the nature of the addition and some of the challenges with design options. Plus, it practically was a whole different project...

Most of the time though, design options are ideally suited for this situation.

2008-12-16, 11:50 PM
:) Sneaky sneaky man i am. Havent heard from Kim since AU, i think i scared her off, LOL...