View Full Version : WHOHAS

2004-10-08, 12:19 PM
How would you have WHOHAS default to on in Plain Acad05 on stand alone machines?

2004-10-08, 01:14 PM

Below is from an old ACAD Guild post from Stig Madsen -

(if (and (findfile "whohas.arx")(not (member "whohas.arx" (arx))))(arxload "whohas"))


Below is from an old ACAD Guild post that I made -

Below is what I have done in my ACADDOC.LSP for arx applications, it works fine, but
it means the arx is loaded fully even if I don't use it.

;Set support search path for ARX Routines
(setq MLARXSupport "DriveLetterHere:/DirectoryPathHere/arx/")

I set the variable MLARXSupport to the directory where I keep the third party ARX routines I use. I do this so that if I have to change (move) where they are kept, I only have to alter the path in one location.

;ARX application's that get loaded at startup
(arxload (strcat MLARXSupport "whohas")) ;Returns User info, on who has a drawing open

Can I please make a comment, above you say you have added code to the ACAD2000DOC.LSP file, though you can do this I would not recommend doing so, as AutoCAD uses this file and others to run; by altering you could cause AutoCAD not to work properly.

I personally try not to alter any files that come with AutoCAD, for any customization I create new files that can be added to AutoCAD ie
PARTIAL MENUS .mnu .mnl files


ID: TS25122 - Determine who has drawing open (http://usa.autodesk.com/adsk/servlet/ps/item?siteID=123112&id=2868776&linkID=2475323)

Have a good one, Mike

2004-10-08, 03:04 PM
Thanks...Works like a charm :beer: