View Full Version : Navis Review cursor is a black box on a Lenovo W500 laptop

2008-12-18, 12:23 AM
We are trying to run NavisWorks Review 2009 on a Lenovo W500 laptop with 512Mb RAM on a ATI FireGL V5700. The cursor appears as a black box instead of one of the standard cursors.
All other functions are normal and it seems to run great other than the cursor.
We think the laptop meets Autodesk's specs, but they appear to be flummoxed by this after an online session.

Can anyone help with this?
Quentin G.

2008-12-18, 12:50 AM
I have a W500 with Vista and 4 GB and it seems to work fine. I'm not sure about the lack of memory being the issue. My last laptop was a Lenovo with 512 and it worked as well. Have you tired to re-install NavisWorks and see if that does anything. Also, might try and update the video driver to see if that does anything. Some colleagues of mine are using W500s but were having issues with the BIOS. Might try that as well.


2008-12-20, 01:10 AM
Hey Amiam,
My Lenovo W500 laptop that has XP, 3GB with 512Mb RAM on a ATI FireGL V5700.
All BIOS and Video updates are installed as of 12-15-08.
What is your colleagues video setting?


2009-01-31, 01:27 AM

This is a graphics card issue and most likely related to the driver settings (or a driver bug). Generally speaking, custom cursors are drawn as overlays using OpenGL so if the card has problems with drawing sprites then you will see this kind of effect. Update the driver and check the settings for anything relating to overlays. If that doesn't work you hav have a hardware problem.
