View Full Version : Text colour within Schedules

2008-12-18, 07:37 AM
I think I know the answer but I will ask.....

Can you add colour to text in schedules? It seems there is no control in the 'appearance' section of the schedules and nothing under Object Styles.


2008-12-18, 08:45 AM
If you are wanting the text to be coloured then it is easily achieved by copying a text style and modifying the colour, but if you are looking for a background colour behind the text, I can't see anyway to do that.



2008-12-19, 04:08 AM
You might be thinking of just plain text. I mean the text that is reported in a schedule. In the appearance tab of 'Edit schedule' you only have a text size and font to choose from.

2008-12-19, 10:20 AM
Hi Clay

In the appearence tab of the schedule properties one has access to all of the fonts available within the program to control both the Header text and the body text.

Again, if you copy a font, change the color etc, rename it appropriately then select it for either the header or the body. All should be OK.



2008-12-21, 10:45 PM
I must be missing something Ian.

When you say 'copy the font', do you mean copy a windows font. If so I didn't think you could assign colour to a windows font.

if you mean 'copy the font' within the Revit environment then I am unsure how this is done.

And I still cannot see any text colour option within 'appearance'. I am on 2009 Arch WU1.


2008-12-21, 11:19 PM
the fonts available in the appearance tab are not project text styles but the actual Windows True Type fonts. Therefore without some 3rd party font editing software there isn't a way to change the color of text in a schedule.

2008-12-22, 12:45 AM
OOpps my bad!

My apologies Clay the font I use for the schedules happens to be exactly the same as the font for my general text & had assumed (I know one should never assume?!?) they were were the same.

Eric is absolutely correct, the font used in schedules are the windows fonts rather than the text fonts in Revit!

Given I have sent you widely up the proverbial, I will have a hunt around to see if I can come up with something to create / edit TTF

Thanks Eric for correcting the info.

Happy Christmas
