View Full Version : Grand Total in schedules

Carlos GT
2008-12-22, 03:03 PM
Is there a way to change the "Grand Total" in schedules to "Total building area" for example, or at least change the "Grand Total" to uppercase?

Scott Womack
2008-12-23, 11:03 AM
Is there a way to change the "Grand Total" in schedules to "Total building area" for example, or at least change the "Grand Total" to uppercase?

You cannot directly format those footers. I thought they took on the formatting of either the Body text, or the Header Text, but I cannot remember. You sertainly cannot chage the "name" of the total line.

2008-12-23, 01:59 PM
This is pretty much of a hack, but I have seen a few fonts floating around that are all upper case - even for the lower case letters. I assume the rest of your schedule will be upper case, so you could probably get away with using a special font.