View Full Version : Shared Coordinates etc...

2008-12-30, 06:05 PM
Questions for project managers of major revit files:

What are the proper methods for aligning shared and central files to a shared coordinate system. I have aligned my project [time consuming and trial & error] but I would like to know when to share or publish coordinates or what points to use to define, how to determine that elevations and floor plans will align properly and easily. Also, is there a way to take central files from an ftp site and reduce components to just what I need--walls, ceilings, floors, specialty equp. etc and not get the HVAC or all the sheets on the downloaded file or purge some of this material so I can work with a reduced size shell central file. Is there a way to align to walls or non-linear components so I do not have to create a detail line to align cove lights then isolate and delete lines. Thanks for any information.