View Full Version : Another "how do I...?" (roof)

2008-12-30, 09:31 PM
Hello again!

If I'm posting too many questions, please let me know... but I do spend some time searching these forums and the help menu in Revit before.

Anyway, this is another general question of which way you guys think would be best for modeling something. Here is a quick exterior render of the building that shows the complexity of the roof... I think I'll try to create the roof "by face" and just use the mesh that I already have, but it won't let me select individual faces when I import the .dwg... Any suggestions?

cliff collins
2008-12-30, 10:15 PM

You should be sure to export from Max as ASCI Solid Autocad and not mesh--
Revit handles solids much better.

You could also just model these roofs from scratch in Revit--using slope arrows
and/or points to define the various planes.


2008-12-30, 10:42 PM

I know how to export as an ASCII file (.ase), but Revit cannot see it. Unless you are talking about some settings on the .dwg export? There are only like 3 checkboxes, neither of which say anything about solids from what I see.


Dimitri Harvalias
2008-12-31, 02:05 AM
I think Cliff means an ACIS solid file. This should have a .sat extension.
I agree with his second point. This is not a very complex form for Revit to model using basic roof tools.

cliff collins
2008-12-31, 01:55 PM
Yep--thanks Dimitri! (Autocad Solid instead of mesh).


2008-12-31, 05:05 PM
This is not a very complex form for Revit to model using basic roof tools.

Hmm... This is where it must be obvious that I'm quite new to Revit, because I'm not getting it! I know "in theory" how to create roof planes by selecting a bunch of points on the same slope, but I don't know where that tool is in Revit. I was able to trace lines over some planes but couldn't figure out how to get the slopes correct. Where is the tool to create a roof plane by picking points?


cliff collins
2008-12-31, 05:11 PM

Try sketching the shape/outline of a single roof plane, in a Roof Plan View.
Think in terms of individual planes--you can use Join Geometry later to make them "stick" together if needed. Then use a Slope Arrow, and specify the height at Head and Tail of the arrow.

In Roof Properties, you can select the materials/make-up of the roof--or duplicate the roof type and make your own custom roof system.

Finish sketch--done!


2008-12-31, 05:27 PM
So I was able to do that on the large flat section that you can see in the first picture, and it worked perfectly. Now I'm trying to make the section along the side of that first slope that goes down and to the side. I tried putting in the two slope arrows but it just says it cannot make the roof, and won't tell me why... Here's a shot of what I've got.


cliff collins
2008-12-31, 05:36 PM
You may need to make two separate planes, or create a Mass and convert faces to roofs
for the more complex shapes which make involve multi-sloped surfaces.


2008-12-31, 10:25 PM
You could also draw the outline of the roof and use the sloped roof tool you get what you're after.

2009-01-02, 04:26 PM
You could also draw the outline of the roof and use the sloped roof tool you get what you're after.

Ah! Now I see why they thought this would be easier than I thought! I didn't know about those buttons... The lack of editablity was driving me nuts... Thanks!
