View Full Version : Link Model view?

2008-12-31, 01:04 AM
I have the main school all modeled up. Our client has a bus shelter designed but doesn't know where it will be located on the site. I've modeled up the bus shelter in a separate rvt file. I'd like to link in the floor plans from the bus shelter into the schools drawing sheet without placing it physically on the model. Can I do this? Link a model view from a rvt file into a sheet without placing it on a level?


Thanks Sage

Scott Womack
2008-12-31, 10:58 AM
I'd like to link in the floor plans from the bus shelter into the schools drawing sheet without placing it physically on the model. Can I do this? Link a model view from a rvt file into a sheet without placing it on a level?

I do not believe that linking the file in, without placing it will allow you to use a plan from the file, since your main revit file has no idea where the linked file is located until you place it.

There are a couple of possibilities. Create two phases prior to the default existing phase. Place the shelter on a level, in that first phase. Demo it in the second phase you created. In this way it will never appear in any of your CD views, but you can create a view of it set to that first phase, and place it on a sheet.

Second option is to create a workset that is off by default, link the shelter with that workset active. Create a separate working view, and turn that workset on. The shelter will appear only in the views where you manually turn on the workset.

2008-12-31, 04:34 PM
Thanks Scott I'm going to go with your workset concept.

2008-12-31, 04:37 PM
Just be aware that if another discipline links that model they will not be able to see that workset.

2008-12-31, 05:11 PM
Now that I've done it. I don't see the Section markers in my linked view. Do I need to do them over again?

So basically in linked model do all my modeling and tagging.

In this model (pulling in the linked model) do the section markers?

cliff collins
2008-12-31, 05:30 PM
You can control Visibility of the Linked File while in the main model, in any view.

Go to View Properties>Visibility>Revit Links

It will be set to display by Host view by default.

Set it to Custom--Model Categories, Annotation Categories, etc.

Now you can control visibility of the linked Revit file.


2008-12-31, 05:41 PM
Youre never going to see Section Markers that are IN a linked file. They reference views on sheets that are not part of the model youre in, so they wont show up. Not sections, elevations, callouts, etc.

2009-01-02, 02:56 PM
Just be aware that if another discipline links that model they will not be able to see that workset.

It depends how you link it...

Under File / Manage Links / Revit, there is a parameter called Reference Type. "Overlay" will not pass through to consultants. "Attachment" will.

That said, I still often use the Overlay method, and simply send 2 models to my consultants. This is to give them independent visibility control of each link. Otherwise, they might end up seeing two sets of grids, for example.
