View Full Version : Phasing question

Carlos GT
2009-01-02, 08:56 PM
It is my first time working with phases and I am trying to set up the demo plan and the new floor plan for this addition . As you can see I am removing a closet and 3 existing doors and creating a new wall with the respective doors for the bath and the new bedroom, but the result is not what I was expecting. The walls created “automatically” after I demo an existing door interfere with the result.

Also I want to demo an existing window but I do not want fill the hole with a new wall, instead a want to create a new opening with the same width of the existing window. So is there any way to do this? I know it is.


Mike Sealander
2009-01-02, 10:39 PM
What are the phase settings of your two images?
The left-hand one should be "existing" and "show complete" and the right one should be "new" and "show complete".

2009-01-02, 11:10 PM
The "Automatically" created wall after a window/door demolished is called "Wall Infill" in Revit. You cannot avoid it, because it is system creation, but I can choose not to see it. In oder to do that, you will need to set the "Phase Filter" of the view to "Existing+Demo", which might not come from default setting, so you might need to create the phase filter for yourself. The setting for this phase filter is Existing as Overriden, Demolish as Overriden, Temp as Do not Display and New as Do Not Display. Therefore, the view with this Phase Filter will only show the Existing and Demolish elements, and all the New elements including the "Wall Infill" will be hidden. That should generate the Demolish Plan for you. In general, Demolish Plan should only show Existing and Demolish elements.

For retaining the opening after demolish a window, you will need to either create a "Wall Opening" or Create a window family with nothing but an Opening to replace the "Wall Infill" in order to archive what you want.

hope that helpful.

Carlos GT
2009-01-03, 03:00 PM
Ok, I make it work one of the new door, I just started moving the new door from one side to another until it cut the "infill door" properly. But I can not fix the other one. It seems that the problem is when I insert a new door between two "infill wall".

Mike Sealander
2009-01-03, 03:07 PM
Try using the Join Geometry tool. Pick one infill, and try to join it to the rest of the wall. Alternately, try rehosting the door to the new wall; it may be hosted by the infill.