View Full Version : Nest Families in Legends

2009-01-03, 03:13 AM
I have door families with nested windows - they are shared - and have shared parameters that schedule. They also tag the way I want them as separate families. Now, I would like to create an exterior door legend to show the different window and door assemblies. But, when I try to place the families (door) in the legend the windows do not come attached. And, when I place the windows to nudge into place (keyword: nudge) I find it inaccurate, and model geometry which would normally be imbedded into the door family geometry now are visible and make it harder to align the families. So, is there a way to get them to place in one fell swoop?

Or, is there a different method (work-around) that can be used to accomplish the same thing - displaying both a plan and elevation view of the exterior door and window assemblies?


Andre Carvalho
2009-01-03, 03:24 AM

A lot of people (and I include myself on the list) have abandoned the idea of using legends because of a lot of different issues that just can't be solved. Instead, we are using phases to create legends.

How it works:

Create two phases before the first phase in your project. In the first phase, you can draw a wall and insert the door/window assembly you have and any other elements you want to show as a legend component. You can duplicate a view that's set to only show elements for that phase. It can be plan or elevation... The second phase you created is where all these elements will be demolished, so they don't appear in your "actual project".

Using this method, you can have true elevation for your doors, windows, with live dimensions and live tags, etc...

If you do a quick search in the forum you will find a lot of threads about this "work around".

I hope it helps.

Andre Carvalho