View Full Version : Titleblock: Label Hidden Behind Image

2009-01-05, 08:46 AM

I tried to customise the titleblock family by adding a few labels (Designer's & Client's Name) on top of the image. But once uploaded into the project, these labels are hidden behind the image. Does anyone encounter the similar problem? Any solution?

Thanks alot.

2009-01-05, 11:50 AM
If you check the properties of the image in the titleblock family you will see the option 'Draw Layer'. Make sure this is set to background.


2009-01-05, 02:54 PM
Thanks, Roy. I have checked the image properties and it is at the background. But when I upload the titleblock family into the project, these labels are hidden behind image. Attached is a sample of the titleblock family. Hmm...wat's wrong


Andre Carvalho
2009-01-05, 03:47 PM
Why are you bringing the image as a nested annotation family instead of just importing it into your titleblock as a image? Doing this will solve your problem...

Andre Carvalho

2009-01-06, 12:32 AM
The reason is to enable the control of visibility for those background images, in which the image will change accordingly from one designer to another when loaded into the project.


2009-01-06, 04:47 PM
If you really need to keep the image use a text parameter in the detail family and once loaded in the project fill the info. It won't be attach to the Project Information but if it's only client name and stuff like that it's not a big deal. It will preserve the layering.

2009-01-08, 12:39 AM
Thank you very much everyone for your advices.