View Full Version : Columns looks different in different location

2004-10-11, 05:35 PM
I have this problem in several projects and I don't know how to solve it.
I place a column in my floor plan and after copie it or mirror it it looks different in different locations. This is driving me crazy. Please help me.
see attachment

Scott D Davis
2004-10-11, 05:40 PM
look at the properties of each....looks like one column is being placed at a different level than the others, and is being cut at a different height on the column.

2004-10-11, 05:59 PM
They look the same in elevations so, there are in the same plane. as I said, I place it and then I copy it and that's the result. I try differente columns and gave me the same problem, any other suggestion?

2004-10-11, 06:00 PM
Two may be joined to the wall, the other two not. Try to unjoin them using "Tools->Unjoin Geometry".

2004-10-11, 06:30 PM
Thanks tamas but they are not joint to the wall actually there are columns create in place
Any other suggestions?? deadline running!!

2004-10-11, 06:41 PM
These are in place families? If so that may be the issue, but I too believe it is a join issue. Did you try the suggestion to click unjoin on all 4 columns? I've had that problem too many times to count. One way to avoid it is to open the column family and under family categories and parameters there is a check box for join automatically, I like to uncheck that box.

2004-10-11, 08:15 PM
Scott: That may be the problem, however, I don not know to edti a column that was created in place? I would like to unchek the joint feature but I am unable to edit the object after creation.

2004-10-11, 08:17 PM
So did you try to unjoin them? Did it help?

2004-10-11, 08:19 PM
Actually the problem also ocurre with one of the column that i download it from revit web site. I am uploading it in case sombody wants to take a look to the rvt file

2004-10-11, 08:33 PM
When you say created in place, that means that from the modeling tool bar you clicked, create> column> then built a column. Is this what you did? If so this then its not the join issue I describe. As a tip you should not make repeatative items "in place" they should be created in the family editor, then loaded and placed.

2004-10-11, 09:26 PM
Yes, that's what I did I went to modeling create in place. But, I also download the other column, that I previously posted here, and I got the same result. At this point I opted to submit the file to Revit to see if the find the problem I will let you know the result.
Thanks anyway for the effort.

2004-10-12, 03:34 AM
Ok, I played with this column family.

First of all, when the column is joined to a wall, its plan view shows the thick circle for the boundary of the cut. If not joined, it does not show the thick circle. There is a reason for this behavior, but it is beyond user control and I think will be fixed in 7.0. The correct image is the one with thick circle, as the column is cut by the view plane.

So apparently the two columns on top of your initial image are joined to their walls, the bottom columns are not. You may post the actual model file for us to see.

Architectural columns automatically join to walls that "overlaps" them even by the tinyest amount. (Users may manually unjoin them later.)

There is a slight geometrical "problem" with the column family:
If you look at the profile of the revolved bottom (say in Lower Ref Level View), you can see that the outer circle is just a hair (about 1/128") outside of the base square. Zoom close and change to thin lines to see what I mean.

This "inaccuracy" causes the automatic join to silently fail when the wall end is aligned to the bottom square of the column. This could explain the puzzling difference if the ends of the two sets of walls are not exactly aligned.

So to make the picture correct, you may manually unjoin the two top columns by using "Tools->Unjoin Geometry".

Hope this helped to clear up some of the fog.


2004-10-12, 01:29 PM
Think 3D. I bet one of the pairs of columns has a wall above it and the other doesn't...
The pair with a wall above is joined to the "soffit" and displays with a darker lineweight. The other pair is just using the default object styles. Unfortunatly the solids were not well constructed.

In my revised example, I joined all the solids and the colums will display properly when cut with both projected and cut lineweights.

2004-10-12, 03:44 PM
I have also encountered a mystery column representation. I place a series of struc wood columns (straight from 6.1 library). I am looking in a struc plan where the columns are cut. 8 of the nine show as expected, 1 shows the column plan as 2 rectangles. I verified ob styles, view visibilities, no joins, base and top of column etc. still would not change. I deleted and re-created a new column. when in the original place, the 2 rectangles still appear.

I closed and saved the project. Upon re-opening, the column showed correctly.