View Full Version : Erased linked model

2009-01-07, 04:56 PM
A team member, at some point, inadvertently erased a linked model. It was a laborious process to originally insert this model at it's precise location, and if that can be avoided, we would love to not have to do that again. Question is, since the model appears to still be linked (pathed and all that), is there a way of getting it back... without... removing and relinking?


2009-01-07, 04:59 PM
What do you mean by *erased* and by *appears to still be linked (pathed and all that).

Did they remove the link? Is it still present under File > Manage Links > RVT? If so, are you sure they didnt accidentally hide it, or move it to somehow be invisibile? (through phase mapping, worksets, vg controls, view templates, etc).

Also, is it a central file? And how long ago did it happen? Worst case scenario, you could roll back the central file, or restore a backup, depending on how much other work has happened.... But the first question is more pertinent, cuz it doesnt sound like its really gone...

2009-01-07, 05:33 PM
Apparantly, some time back (perhaps a month or more), the linked model in question was "selected" and deleted. Yet, under Managed Links, it appears to still be there. In all other views, Visibility Graphics shows it still exist. We've reloaded the link multiple times in various sequences but nothing seems to reapear. We've searched high and low outside of the crops, but it doesn't appear to have been moved. It also doesn't appear to have been hidden, or masked.

2009-01-07, 05:46 PM
if its still under Manage Links, and its still under VG > RVT Links, it is still there.... somewhere. The VG > RVT Links tab wont be present if there are no Revit Models Linked in. (Im assuming this is your only link).

Make a new floor plan, completely turn the crop region OFF, set the view range well above your highest level, make it see all the way down to well below your lowest, make sure everything is on in VG (you never answered if this was a central file), make sure every phase is visible, and every workset, etc...

Of course, if its been moved that far out of the area, you might as well remove and replace it, but youll also lose any graphic overrides or references to the Link, but you may have already, too.

Also, in these floor plans, try a sweeping slection window bottom right to top left. Then hit the filter button. Does it list the RVT link in there?

Whats in the Linked Model? And are you sure nothing got relocated IN the linked model?

2009-01-07, 07:00 PM
Viola. It was found, in the correct location, but cannot be selected. I believe it's a phasing issue. FYI, it was a linked model of an existing adjacent building.

We'll keep working the problem. Thanks for the suggestions!

2009-01-07, 07:45 PM
Select the Link, and go to the properties of it. There should be a button for Phase Mapping. Se the Existing to Existing, etc, if they are not already. Then make sure your Views are set to show Previous AND new, and all should be right with the world...