View Full Version : levels

Art Vandelay
2009-01-07, 09:11 PM
I have built a model using many different levels as datums but only want to show the critical ones in the documents. I vaguley remember being shown how to change them so the head appears black (not blue) and wont plot or be seen in sheet layouts...any advice?

2009-01-07, 10:28 PM
I place minor levels on a sep. workset so I can just turn them off. Or you can select them per view and hide elements in view. But the workset way is much easier. You can set the workset to Off by default that way you just turn them on where you want them.

2009-01-08, 05:16 AM
Scott - thanks for the idea. I had asked for such a feature (minor and major levels) - your approach is all thats needed. Thanks again.

2009-01-20, 04:10 PM
What if you have levels that you only want visible in one elevation view and not the other ones. In RAC 2008 you simply copy/pasted a level and it was only visible in that view, but I'm noticing that in RAC2009 that they are visible in all elevation views when I copy/paste it. Do I need to hide the levels in the views I do not want them to be visible in? Or is there another way to achieve this?

2009-01-20, 04:16 PM
levels have always been visible in all views by default, perhaps you mean spot elevations? The only way to control levels like that is with worksets as stated above as far as I'm aware.

2009-01-20, 04:54 PM
No I meant Levels. In some cases I need to call out the top of parapet and I would copy the floor plan level and paste it in my elevation. This copy didn't create a floor plan view and it only appeared in the elevation that I copy/pasted it into. I'm trying to do the same in RAC 2009 and when pasted it becomes visible in all elevation views.

With the spot elevation, can I still have the dashed line leader and the datum point used for levels?