View Full Version : CAD link won't update?

2009-01-08, 04:43 PM
For some reason my CAD site survey (acquired coordinates, shared, etc.) will not update. The CAD file has some notes and a legend off to the side, which I had to slide in a bit in order to make it fit on our title block in Revit. For some reason, though, the link in Revit will not update to reflect this change. I have tried the Reload button in Manage Links, I have tried Reload From and selecting the CAD file again, but nothing seems to work.

Anyone have an idea what is going on?

cliff collins
2009-01-08, 04:53 PM
Are you sure it was Linked and not just Imported?

Is the cad file Read-Only/open by someone else?

Just thinking of obvious causes......


2009-01-08, 06:22 PM
It was definitely linked.

I decided to just remove it altogether, then link it in again by Shared Coordinates. The updated version did come in, and it was in the exact spot as it was before (already aligned/rotated correctly).

So that was easy. :)

2010-06-10, 05:20 PM
On a similar note...
What happens if the file was imported instead of linked? I created my topo from a dwg file (which means that it had to be imported.) Now there have been changes to the dwg. How do I update an imported file and have it come back in to the exact same spot? I've also set up my coordinates based of the dwg file (it's the civil drawing). the original dwg was imported and placed using the "center-to-center"

2010-06-10, 05:51 PM
It was definitely linked.

I decided to just remove it altogether, then link it in again by Shared Coordinates. The updated version did come in, and it was in the exact spot as it was before (already aligned/rotated correctly).

So that was easy. :)

We experienced the same issue on a project with multiple linked CAD files, and were never able to resolve it aside from doing what you just described.