View Full Version : Linked Files - Elevation views and Enlarged Plans

2009-01-08, 09:20 PM
My firm is collaborating with another architecture firm on a dorm building using Revit 2009. My firm is responsible for generating enlarged floor plans, and interior elevation views of the model that the other firm has done. So, we downloaded their model and linked it into our model so we could generate the views in our model and annotate them as needed. If their firm now downloads our model and links it into their model, is there any way to get the views we've generated and named appropriately to show up in their model so they can simply drop them onto their sheets? or do they have to generate the views all over again in their model?

2009-01-08, 09:27 PM
You can use linked views... But the way youre working is sort of backwards.

In "Model 1" - Model the items, and annotate.

Then, in "Model 2" - if you wqant to show Model 1's annotations, you link in the model, and under VG go to the RVT Links tab, and set it to By Linked View, and select the view in the list that is in Model 1, that has the annotations.

Heres the issue: In your model, your attaching dimensions and references to a Linked Model. So when they link in your model, it wont make the connection between their model, and the veriosn of their model that you had linked in. So itll lose the dimensional references, and nothing will show up if you go to By Linked View. Sure, the text notes and filled regions and Detail Components will, but not dimensions that were tied to their model, or any intelligent tags...

2009-01-08, 09:35 PM
I understand this is the reverse of how its supposed to work, but unfortunately, they did the 3d model and they want us to take the views and annotate, so thats what we have to do. What I'm wondering is if once they link our model into their model, if the views we have created, ie "BATHROOM - NORTH, BATHROOM - SOUTH etc" (without any dimensions or tags) will show up in their project browser, and the interior elevation markers will show up on their plan?

Scott Womack
2009-01-09, 11:35 AM
What I'm wondering is if once they link our model into their model, if the views we have created, ie "BATHROOM - NORTH, BATHROOM - SOUTH etc" (without any dimensions or tags) will show up in their project browser, and the interior elevation markers will show up on their plan?

No, period. They will have to manually recreate the views, named, and then in each of those views, they can set their view to display all annotation you've done in the view, with the exception, of any type of mark that is referencing, or creating a view in your file. Since when they link your model into theirs, the model is linked, but not views, sheets, etc. They exist ONLY in your file.

This is one of the drawbacks of two firms using linked models. Our firm collaborates on College work as well. That is why we invested in the Steelhead/Riverbed equipment, and more internet bandwidth, so that the other firms can work on the same model, residing either in our office, or in theirs, depending upon the contract.

Aaron can certainly guide you as to any other issues in using linked files, but I believe this is the major issue in your situation.

2009-01-09, 01:21 PM
What Scott said. Links are great for a lot of things, but what youre trying to do isnt one of the thinks links will do, period.

For me, the bigger issue isnt that they would have to ALSO create the views... That takes a little time to copy and paste the views, but is easily manageble... But the referencing items from the linked file thing is huge. Consider this crummy diagram.

"Theirs" --------(linked in)------> "Yours" HERE, you tag, dim, etc.

Then you send yours to them. Now, its:

"Theirs" -----> "Yours" --------> "Theirs"

The trouble with this, is the lowest tier of "theirs" wont show up. even if it did, its out of date, and would duplicate everything they have in the current copy of "Theirs." If it DOESNT show up, you lose ALL references to it. Dimensions, tags, etc.

For what youre trying to do, i would (carefully) consider other options, like having them check out worksets for you after creating the views, and sending local files via FTP... Or, remote desktop so you can be working in the same model. Or Riverbed, as was mentioned, if you have deep pockets.

But Linked Files wont accomplish what youre trying, not in a clean fashion, anyway...