View Full Version : text wrapping on view titles

ray salmon
2009-01-10, 08:42 PM
have some titles that are quite lenghty and the view also is very wide
like a cross section going thru the lenght of a building. but the title wraps after just a few words. didn't see any place to change this but there must be. want the title just to be one long string.


Dimitri Harvalias
2009-01-10, 10:17 PM
You need to edit the view title annotation family. The wrapping is controlled by the size of the bounding box for the view name label. Stretch that out as far as you neeed it to and your text won't wrap.
You can find the title family in the project browser and right click to edit.

ray salmon
2009-01-12, 08:27 PM
thnx that fixed ....

2009-05-19, 10:16 PM
Are you only allowed one View Title per project?

Most of my view titles to be single line, but I have one callout with a long name which I want to wrap the View Title text.

Is this a system family thing?

2009-05-19, 11:21 PM
View titles are families that you can duplicate and alter to suit your tastes, including text wrapping, font type, background and size, so you can have as many as you need.


2009-05-20, 08:47 AM
Are you only allowed one View Title per project?

Most of my view titles to be single line, but I have one callout with a long name which I want to wrap the View Title text.

Is this a system family thing?
Edit the built-in title faily, then Save As a new name. Load it back into the project and you'll see the new choices in the type selector