View Full Version : WU3 Issue

2009-01-12, 09:16 PM
i am using Revit Architecture Suite 2009 - 64bit, and am not able to run the WU3 for Revit. has anyone come across this, or know someone who has. We have got no help from Autodesk on this issue so far, and are thinking it is because we are using the suite program, and not the standalone version. any assistance would be appreciated.

2009-01-12, 10:45 PM
Hi mreiter.197492,

I am running 64bit 2009 Architecture suite under Vista 64bit Business Ed. and had no problems with the installation of WU3.

Everything went so well, that I was a little taken back as I normally expect an hour or two of frustration with something or other whenever I do an upgrade etc. In this instance, for me at least, it was as it should be, easy & seamless.

Are you running 64 bit XP or Vista?



2009-01-12, 10:54 PM
I am running Vista Ultimate, and for whatever reason the installer is not recognizing that I have Revit Architecture on my machine. when i go to my add/remove programs, i dont see anything that indicates Revit as the 64bit version though, but it is under Program Files (x86) folder on my C:\ Drive. so far, Autodesk Tech Support has said to run a Windows Installer Clean-Up utility to see if that helps.

2009-01-13, 05:27 AM
The whole location of the files in Vista 64bit is somewhat confusing.

There is a sub folder of the Autodesk folder in the Program Files(x86) called "Revit Architecture 2009 64-bit" which seems to house some bits and pieces.

Additionally, there is another folder under Program Files call Revit Architecture 2009, which has a sub-folder called "program". This is the folder which houses the Revit.exe which the desktop icon points to, and thus this is the actual folder from which Revit gets up and running.

Have a check to see if yours is set up the same way.

C:\program files\Revit Architecture 2009\Programs

If windows can't see the program it looks like it might be a corrupted original install & may need to be re-done as a clean install



2009-01-13, 02:18 PM
i was looking around in my system, and it is not set up that way. I have no Sub-Folder called Revit Architecture 65bits (or 64bit), and I have no Revit folder under the Program Files directory. in the Program Files (x86) I see Revit Architecture 2009, but there is no indication of it being 64bit. maybe it is a bad install, but it wouldnt install under the x86 folder if the program was not 64bit, is that correct.

2009-01-13, 09:06 PM
I would only be guessing as to why the folder structure within windows is as it is.

Assuming that mine is set up correctly, it would seem that the original install on your box was corrupted in some way.

A while ago when I was having problems, (as were a lot of us), with the set up of 2009 & the download of the protein material library, I got the following advice from Autodesk re a clean reinstall.

It might be worth lodging a support request yourself to see if there is an easier work around, or alternatively what I was advised was:

"We should try a complete clean removal of Revit 2009 and related folders next. I’ve included the steps below:

-Un-install Revit 2009 from the Add\Remove programs
-After the removal, lest delete the following windows folders:
-C:\Program Files\Revit Architecture 2009
-C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Autodesk\RAC 2009
-C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\Autodesk\REVIT\2009

-Re-install Revit 2009, make sure all related cabinet files are downloaded afterwards

I would recommend removing Design Review 2008, and manually deleting any leftover folders from the application:

-C:\Program Files\Autodesk\Autodesk Design Review
-C:\Documents and Settings\%username%\Application Data\Autodesk\Autodesk Design Review

Restart and then try re-installing the latest version from the Autodesk site. This should resolve the issue. "

I found that if you are installing from the disc, you didn't need to worry about installing the cabinet files separately.

I hope it helps,



2009-01-13, 09:52 PM
Under Vista 64-bit, my understanding is that anything under Programs Files is 64-bit. Anything under Program Files (x86) is 32-bit. My 64-bit Revit resides completely in Program Files while the 32-bit Revit resides completely in Program Files (x86). Each type of Revit has the same exact duplicate sub floors and duplicate files. This is how my HP Vista 64-bit Business notebook is set up.

2009-01-14, 01:25 AM
thanks for the answers, i found out that what I have installed on my machine is not RAC 2009 64bit like it was supposed to be. for whatever reason, the network deploy that was used, installed it under the wrong system folder, and is not a 64bit program, that is why the WU3 is not seeing it. it looks like it will need to be uninstalled and reinstalled correctly.

clog boy
2009-01-14, 10:17 AM
On webupdates, if I may, do you need WU1 and/or 2 in order to install WU3? In other words, suppose there will be five webupdates total for RAC2009. Would you have to install all webupdates in the right order or are the service packs an extension of eachother?

2009-01-14, 02:11 PM
i believe that WU3 will have the updates from 1 & 2 along with it, so you dont actually need to install them separately for it to run properly.

clog boy
2009-01-14, 02:24 PM
i believe that WU3 will have the updates from 1 & 2 along with it, so you dont actually need to install them separately for it to run properly.

Are you sure? WU1 was a complete re-install and I decided to be safe rather than sorry.

2009-01-14, 02:34 PM
you are right that WU1 was a full install, and that needs to be installed on your machine in order to run WU3, but WU3 includes 2 & 3, so I think from going forward, if there are updates 4 & 5, they would include 2 & 3 as well, as long you have the most current build of Revit on your machine.

clog boy
2009-01-14, 02:35 PM
Right, got it. Thanks.

2009-01-25, 01:59 AM
Where is the current build posted?