View Full Version : View Template and Transfer Project Standards

2009-01-13, 04:19 AM
This is a really odd problem I'm having and I'd appreciate any insight. I've never seen anything like it either.

Two different users started two different projects. One was based on our office template with our standard view templates, so far so good, lets call this the 'New Project'. The second user started a project a little while ago and has some very nice View Templates that the New Project will benefit from (very similar projects), lets call this Existing Project.

Here is where the problem begins, we can't transfer any of the View Templates from the Existing Project to the New Project. We can however transfer the project standards from either project to a new project (Not the New Project, a freshly created one). I've tried several combinations, from new project to the New Project, across two new projects, restarted Revit, restarted computer . Nothing is working.

any one overcome this? I'm also sending in a support request.


Scott Womack
2009-01-13, 11:05 AM
Here is where the problem begins, we can't transfer any of the View Templates from the Existing Project to the New Project. We can however transfer the project standards from either project to a new project (Not the New Project, a freshly created one). I've tried several combinations, from new project to the New Project, across two new projects, restarted Revit, restarted computer . Nothing is working.

Are the View Templates you are trying to transfer the same names? Try Renaming the ones you want to Transfer to another name, Also try Duplicating them to another name, and then transferring them.

2009-01-14, 01:03 AM
Scott, thanks for the reply.

No they are unique names between projects.

2009-01-14, 04:15 AM
One of our support guys found the problem was with a CAD file that was linked into the Project. Once removed (its wasn't being used anymore) we were able to transfer the View Templates.

I'm hoping he can tell me why, but i'm guessing its to do with the overrides\filters somehow. Also awaiting support request results.


Mr Spot
2009-03-19, 12:42 AM
Hmm, I'm experiencing this very same issue. Transfer Project Standards will not function with View Templates checked... Which is very annoying! I'll try to search the project for DWG files and remove them and see if that helps, but its a bit rediculous if that's the cause...

Mr Spot
2009-03-19, 02:13 AM
Okay, I've just spent 2 hours sorting through all the views finding all imported DWG files and removing them!! And guess what, it still won't work. Perhaps I should try removing the linked file as well? Failing that, I'll file it as a SR...

2009-03-19, 02:18 AM
I never got anything back about this fault via SR.

It would be good to have a couple of examples to send them.

Mr Spot
2009-03-19, 03:11 AM
Well that's not good to hear. I've finally found some time to update our template and this is going to make the process much slower if I have to manually copy all the view template settings!!

2009-03-19, 01:53 PM
Unfortunately View Template seems to not transfer sporadically. Try sending the oneyou need into a blank file (new project) then transfer to the other one.

2009-03-20, 03:57 AM
This was a timely thread. We've been battling with a failed TPS all day.

Matt, your suggestion that a linked dwg may be the culprit helped resolve our problem. We had many instances of an imported dwg (not linked) that had to be removed in order to transfer the templates.

For some reason I had the "import" setting included as part of the view template when it really was not needed....now i wish that i had unchecked that option and tried to TPS in order to see if that contributed to the failed transfer. Oh well, too late for that test now since clearing out the dwgs fixed it.

Anyway, thanks for posting back your finding.

- Jon

2010-02-18, 05:29 PM
We have just been having this very same problem. I went through the entire drawing for things like inserted dwg files or other strange goings on. I even went so far as to deleted everything, 3d elements, 2d elements, views, schedules etc etc you name it i got rid of it, purged and tried again (this is after i had done about 5 save as' to try and get rid of any glitch).

Still the same problem.

i renamed all the view templates, i deleted all the view templates from the drawing i was transfering into but still nothing.
so i decided to try and transfer the view templates one by one (by deleting all of them except one and then doing transfer project standards), anyway success. So i continued in this manner until i got to one view template that would not transfer. so i deleted this view template and then transfered all the remaining view templates at the same time and it worked perfectly.

So long story short, it was a corrupt view template that was causing my particular problem, i have no idea why it was corrupt or what was causing it to be a problem but i thought it would be useful to share another possible cause to this mysterious problem.

Tony C.
2010-02-19, 03:40 PM
We have just been having this very same problem. I went through the entire drawing for things like inserted dwg files or other strange goings on. I even went so far as to deleted everything, 3d elements, 2d elements, views, schedules etc etc you name it i got rid of it, purged and tried again (this is after i had done about 5 save as' to try and get rid of any glitch).

Still the same problem.

i renamed all the view templates, i deleted all the view templates from the drawing i was transfering into but still nothing.
so i decided to try and transfer the view templates one by one (by deleting all of them except one and then doing transfer project standards), anyway success. So i continued in this manner until i got to one view template that would not transfer. so i deleted this view template and then transfered all the remaining view templates at the same time and it worked perfectly.

So long story short, it was a corrupt view template that was causing my particular problem, i have no idea why it was corrupt or what was causing it to be a problem but i thought it would be useful to share another possible cause to this mysterious problem.


Thanks for the info. This might help us too.

2010-02-19, 09:03 PM
wonder if an audit on the file would have resolved the corruption, and let the TPS go through...

Duncan Lithgow
2012-06-22, 07:24 PM
I've made a forum post about the status of this issue with a video showing the problem clearly. See http://forums.autodesk.com/t5/Autodesk-Revit-Architecture/Trouble-transfering-View-Templates-and-Filters-between-projects/m-p/3512514/highlight/false#M60771

For just the video see: http://screencast.com/t/nfmwzffr7L