View Full Version : Revision Cloud

Luis Vinagre
2003-08-20, 08:32 AM
When you make a revision in Revit e.g. remove a door, is there a command that revises it to the revision column, or do you still have to manually cloud the area and type it out into your revision column?
Many Thanks

Phil Palmer
2003-08-20, 09:22 AM
Revit is Clever - But not that clever yet !

Its still a manual process to highlight the revisions you make to the model.

2003-08-20, 10:29 AM
To have an automatic control of this one would, I think need to be able to set a project wide parameter saying this design is now complete and any future revisions are revisions. As you can't do that the model has no way of knowing whether you are still designing or not.


2003-08-20, 12:05 PM
Interesting...Revit does track everything we do with Journals and it has phases. Seems to me that some fundamental things exist in Revit that could allow some "automatic" revision data collection. The question is how does it get reported? You'd need some way to filter changes too, so a wall moving or door changed gets listed but adjusting a column grid bubble or moving a text note over doesn't.

I don't think I'd like automatic clouds popping up all over, but a schedule of changes in a phase would be interesting. You could re-issue a drawing along with a schedule or export an excel report of the changes to the model in the newest phase. This way an estimator could review the list and the drawing side by side.

Another thought, revision tagging versus clouds. The user puts clouds in when needed in every case, but Revit could perhaps "tag all untagged" objects that were altered in a "revision" phase. So objects would need a new parameter like demolished for revision(s)...

Just some thoughts.

Scott D Davis
2003-08-20, 02:10 PM
I could see this being another phase-like catagory. Now we have 'building phases', existing, demo, new.....maybe we need 'design phases.' Here we have 5 phases of design: Schematic Design, Design Development, Construction Documents, Bidding, and Construction Adminstration. It would be nice to set a phase filter for the different design phases that could track the changes of the design. Revision tracking/automatic rev clouds could be a cool thing! But as Steve said, I wouldn't want clouds popping up everytime I made any change. Maybe there is a "Cloud all Revisions" button that you first make changes, then hit "cloud" when done, and everything gets a cloud and Rev Tag.

Very interesting concept with a ton of possibilities.....