View Full Version : Section Marks Missing?????

2009-01-16, 09:58 PM
OK, Imust be missing something. The section callouts in my floor plan do not show up on my Roof framing or th Foundation plan, annd yes the annotation "Section" is checked in View properties. How do I get callouts to show up in a view of my choice?

2009-01-16, 10:16 PM
The sections are probably not "cutting" at those levels. Open an elevation, click on the section and drag the ends down and up to incorporate those levels

2009-01-16, 10:33 PM
No luck, My model is only a one story so my level & cut plane are the same. Maybe the way I created my roof and foundation plan is incorrect. I "Duplicated" my floor plan that shows all the callouts (sections) but I didn't select Duplicate with detailing because I didn't want all the dimensions, text, etc.. to come with it. After that I went to View properties, selected View as Underlay, and changed displine to Structural since it going to be my Framing plan. Is there a better way?

Andre Carvalho
2009-01-16, 10:55 PM
If you set your view to Structural, your sections that are not set to structural won't show. If you go to your section view and set the discipline to Structural then it will show (but won't show in the architectural views though). That said, you may want to set your framing view as coordination.

Andre Carvalho

2009-01-16, 11:05 PM
That was it, Thank you. I set my Section views to Coordination instead, now the Section marks show up in all Views which is our standard, well except for electrical and mechanical plans, I can hide elements in those views.
Thank you guys for your help, you are truely making my transition from AutoCad to Revit much easier.