View Full Version : Phases and what not to do

2009-01-17, 10:13 PM
I have been working with Phases and this are some of the things that doesn´t work well with phases:

1. Split face: using it in NEW phase will show in EXISTING phase
2. Paint: same issue as split face
3. Join geometry: joining a wall inside a wall in NEW will subtract wall in EXISTING
4. Windows: demolishing a window and inserting a different windows in the exact same place with the same size will cause the infill element to cover both windows (sometimes)

For 1, 2 and 3, no workarounds known (at least by me)
For 4, build both windows as generic models and insert in previously made void. Demolish existing - suggested by Arqt49

Anyone out there with similar issues or tips on solving this issues?

Gadget Man
2009-01-19, 04:17 AM
... Anyone out there with similar issues or tips on solving this issues?

Re: No. 4 :
Insert the OLD window either a few milimeters to the left or right (or above or below) the NEW one, so the NEW one cuts just a little bit of the main wall. Even if you dimension the windows precisely, you are not likely to dimension the windows that are getting demolished - what would be a point in this? So, you will get away with them being placed slightly off.

Or, make a duplicate of the correct window but make it slightly smaller and use it as the OLD (demolished) one, so the NEW window still cuts a little bit of a main wall (outside of the old opening). Same philosophy...