View Full Version : Door Schedule - Two door number columns

2003-08-20, 08:31 PM
This should get the hair on the back of David Conant's neck to stand right up....

If your firm is like mine, you've got a door schedule that has door numbers on the left and since these buggers get wide you've added a second one on the right side too.

You can't just add a second instance of the Mark parameter in a Revit schedule unfortunately. (This is the wishlist part David!)

The attached pdf depicts the schedule I created despite this. I duplicated the door schedule I already had, stripped out all but the the two defining columns I need, the sorting column "building part" and Mark.

I hid the "Building part" column that I use to sort by part A, Part B...etc.

Then I turned off the options to display grid lines, title and column headers under the "Appearance" tab. This results in a new schedule with just the door numbers listed in the same order as the "good" one.

Last, in the good schedule I added a dummy instance parameter called "Number" at the end of the schedule. The stripped schedule copy is adjusted to land in this new dummy column and voila!

Wasn't too bad really, but it sure would be slick if I could just add a second Mark parameter to a schedule!! (or a way to use a formula to say this parameter is the same as that parameter...)

David Conant
2003-08-20, 08:50 PM
No worry, my hair is laying down. (or at least as down as curly hair gets). We understand this need. I can't promise any date for solution. We do work on schedules in every release and I hope it will pop up to the top of the stack before too long.

2003-08-20, 08:52 PM
Monday is good for me...that way you can think on it over the weekend... :twisted:

2003-08-21, 03:22 PM
Steve, how did you make your sub-headings?
I have not figured out that yet...care to share :D

2003-08-21, 03:29 PM
Do you mean the Door Hardware etc headings? That is the group feature of schedules. You need to edit the schedule view. Then select the columns you want to group by clicking and dragging, this will highlight the columns you want and a new option bar will appear above in your options area. Choose group and Revit will add a heading over those columns.

Help does cover this if my description leaves you confused... :D

2003-08-21, 03:44 PM
Thanks Steve, that's what I wanted to know :D

2003-08-21, 09:46 PM
Very nice schedule steve, why do you repeat the door number on both sides of the schedule?, just for clarity?

2003-08-21, 10:38 PM
As my daughter now responds to questions..."Cuz why" :D

It's an "old school" habit I believe, where a schedule being rather wide, is a drag to pan back to the left if you are scanning down the list of comments or something on the far right side. God forbid you lose your place...oh, look there is a number right there, gosh aren't these architect guys clever and considerate of our every need :wink: (at least that's what I imagine the contractor is saying :lol: )

2003-08-22, 11:01 AM
One more comment, we also repeat the heading at the bottom of schedules (mirrored) which can't be done in Revit at the moment. The purpose is the same as the additional door number. It just helps keep you oriented depending where your focus is on the sheet. I haven't bothered to address this but could do so with an annotation symbol and manually place them once the schedule is "done".

Phil Palmer
2003-08-22, 11:47 AM
It would be great to somewhow get Revit to create a door schedule based upon 1 A4 sheet per door

This should cover all the door information in schedule table form along with the door elevation, Jamb and Head details.

Some people within our company prefer this method over a large Table that you then need to refer to other sheets for the Jamb, head and door elevation detailsm etc etc.

They seem to think its easier to 'Manage' on site !

How Revit could Automate that I Dunno - maybe in time hey !

2003-08-22, 12:39 PM
I have done door, and indeed window, schedules this way, Phil when that was the favoured style in a particular office I worked in.

It is a good way of providing information and I knew a site manager for Jarvis who would copy the schedule and go and tape a copy of the relevant sheet by each door on site thuis the chippy had all the frame fixing details to hand at first fix and again all the ironmongery details at second fix. It made it harder for his subcontractors to mess things up.

To do it in Revit would be problematic, in as much as in a building with 50 doors 35 will probably share the same head and jamb details. As yet we don't have a means of reusing a single drafting view multiple times, other than by duplicating with details, which would then cause a problem with amendments.

I think we should ahve the opportunity to reuse nominated drafting views in particular, but perhaps any view, as it is often necessary to reuse an electrical key or a wall type key or what have you on multiiple sheets..

One for the wish list?

2003-08-22, 12:50 PM

To answer your request you can do the following. Establish a new phase before all others. Duplicate your schedule, go to the duplicate and change the phase to this first phase, all the titles will be intact but it will be empty. Look into the properties and switch off the schedule title while retaining the column names. Stick it on your sheet and align the columns by trial and error.. Finally, give it a view title that has no name, scale, number etc.....

Its an okay workaround


2003-08-22, 01:13 PM

With all the "data" in the model I agree it is a reasonable goal to be able to assemble "reports" that are arranged in whatever manner makes sense to the user. Revit is a database app with a different set of report features than a typical database app.

It is very cool that we can potentially provide data formatted for each type of audience without "rework". Like room finish schedules, a report sorted by paint type for a painter, by floor material for floor contractor etc. We could reach a point where contractors are actually interested in a building model if they really understood the potential...and if we could be comfortable with letting them have a model, "warts and all", and not fear legal action when something is wrong, sigh.

Just me musing...


Interesting idea, have to try it out when my noose is removed...

2003-08-24, 01:56 PM
talking about schedule table wishes : i have been working in different European countries as an architect and everywhere there was the same way of doing door and window schedules - naimly with a preview image of the door or the window. Not only that this is an established practise but in some countries it is also a requirement for tender documentation.
We all hope to see that soon in Revit - but if someone has a workaround in the meanwhile, I am all ears :D

2003-08-24, 09:35 PM
This thread should see you right.

CLICK HERE (www.zoogdesign.com/forums/phpBB2/viewtopic.php?t=718&highlight=door+schedule)

2006-07-03, 05:29 PM
Has this wish of wanting to have the "Mark" column show up twice in a schedule been recitfied in R9?


2006-07-03, 06:59 PM
No, it remains a wish.

Steve Mintz
2006-07-08, 12:44 AM
You can't just add a second instance of the Mark parameter in a Revit schedule unfortunately. (This is the wishlist part David!)


Wasn't too bad really, but it sure would be slick if I could just add a second Mark parameter to a schedule!! (or a way to use a formula to say this parameter is the same as that parameter...)I feel as I'm missing something of what you want to do, but couldn't you (as you suggested) use a formula to duplicate the mark parameter. After all, "Mark" is a text field.

2006-07-08, 12:48 AM
Clever! Didn't think of that... great idea.

2006-07-08, 02:52 AM
Hey that is a good idea! If you notice the date of my post orginal post (2003) you might remember that wasn't possible then. Thanks for pointing it out now!

2011-04-19, 07:08 PM
Well, I'm certainly glad that Mr. Mintz did point out how to do this. I'm working in 2011 and wouldn't have known how to do this if it weren't for your post! I find that a lot of things in Revit are not intuitive or easy to find. Thanks.