View Full Version : More problems with FBX

2009-01-21, 05:26 PM
I am using Revit 64 and Max Design 64 and have done some exterior scenes of an office building, now that we are getting further along with out BIM model my FBX has become larger and much more complicated with engineers lighting. Now when I try to render night scenes I get stuck on PRE-PROCESSING. I am at 191,000 polys and 117,000 verts, what is a more manageble number I should shoot for? This building is not very large and I would thing that using 64bit with a high end workstation I should be able to handle this no problem. Any advise?

2009-01-22, 03:28 PM
That poly count shouldn't be any problem at all. First, check and see that you are using the latest FBX plugins. Second, try saving the file after you import the FBX...close MAX then reopen the file. If that still causes problems try merging (everything from the scene you just saved) into a fresh new MAX file. Alternatively, you could go the old route and export as a dwg.

2009-01-22, 06:39 PM
Well the sequence I use is to import my FBX and compress and save the file. then I usually xref it into a master scene file. It just does not seem that Max is working very hard, is there a way to boost the system resources it uses? Trying to render this night scene is really pissing me off. I think its time to scrap this scene and start over.

2009-01-23, 03:36 PM
Generally MAX will steal as much as it needs...as far as system resources. So there is something strange going on. Have you tried not compressing the file? Also, you may want to try and use MR proxies to see if that helps.