View Full Version : elevation marker callout in a drafting view

2009-01-22, 01:33 AM
is it true! that
inside a drafting view (only) , one CANNOT place a elevation marker to reference another "drafting view", the elevation marker option its gray out when you are in drafting view

if thats the case then????

inside a drafting view, if you can have a bubble detail callout or a section type callout to reference something else, then how can you place a callout with a elevation marker???

Scott Womack
2009-01-22, 11:01 AM
is it true! that
inside a drafting view (only) , one CANNOT place a elevation marker to reference another "drafting view", the elevation marker option its gray out when you are in drafting view

if thats the case then????

inside a drafting view, if you can have a bubble detail callout or a section type callout to reference something else, then how can you place a callout with a elevation marker???

A drafting View has no "work plane" that relates to the real world, therefore, an elevation, which is by design set to look at a plane of a 3D model, cannot be placed in a view that has no 3D.

2009-01-22, 01:30 PM
You can place a section mark, drag the line down real short and turn off the tail to indicate your other drafting view. I know it won't look EXACTLY the same, but trust me, any contractor with half a brain will still understand it.

Why you can place a section marker but not an elevation marker is beyond me.

cliff collins
2009-01-22, 03:04 PM
Another example of dpasa's theory:

"too many workarounds and half-baked tools."

Drafting Views and 2D Detail Components are anti-BIM.

Good luck chasing 25 sheets of them around when a wall moves 3 feet
or changes to another wall system, etc.


2009-01-22, 04:30 PM
thanks to all

most of the " missing" tools we are asking for are essential to the creation of the final product, maybe not for all architects, but it is to us, and i dont think we are ask for too much, these type of tool are basic need

revit programmer really need to add more of these type of tools to its products so ppl dont have to do all these workaround

traditional cad program, coder only need to worry about the algorithm portion of the program but with the integration of the database, its pretty hard to satisfy everyone

wonder if they ( the programmer) ever thought about having a external file system that compliment the database, so that the database dont get so huge, hard for use to load and work on the "so to say rvt file"....aka...the plone/zope external file system

2009-01-22, 06:24 PM
Are you avoiding Modeling altogether and trying to draft your way around in Revit?...Admit it!! Admit it!!... :-D
Drafting View is for 2D Detailing only.....What are you elevating that you need an Elevation for that.
If "Revit Programmer" gave all the tools.....I am pretty sure there will be noobs who will try to DRAFT......
We have a guy who will by any chance avoid modeling....he uses all walkarounds just to draft and draft and draft.....Detail Lines and Filled Regions are his Choice of Tools!!!

2009-01-22, 08:03 PM
Drafting Views and 2D Detail Components are anti-BIM.

hrmm not really. There is such a thing as "over-modeling". You can't possibly expect someone to model every piece of blocking, vapor barrier, flashing, etc. That's a complete waste of time and resources. Besides, modeling simply doesn't show enough for large-scale detailing. Every brick, block, piece of trim, etc. gets shown in my details, but would never be modeled.

Then there's 2D drafting views to show things like typical conditions, typical details that occur many places around the building. For example door/window details - I don't want to have to cut an actual section through a window or door, then have to go through and hide the section mark every place it shows up in my plans, just to show the door/window/frame details. I have the drafting views for those details, and my door and window schedule directs which detail goes with which element.

Another example is things like ADA accessibility details. I don't want to place a bunch of elevations at a toilet, vanity, door (for door sign locations), and then have to go through and hide all those elevation marks all over the plan. I just draw it in a drafting view and be done with it.

cliff collins
2009-01-23, 05:07 PM
I agree, certain "boilerplate details" are great for 2d drafting views.

My point is that when 2D detail components are used for overlaying the model--say for CMU blocks in wall sections, section details at wall/floor joins, enlarged plan details, etc.

I have seen literally 50 or more sheets of these details, where users are laboriuosly
placing detail components, detail lines, filled regions, edit cut profiles, etc.

Then the CMU changes from 8" to 12" when the Structural engineer calls.

Oops!!!!!!!!!! Have fun with 2D detail components and all that other 2D barf.
Chasing it around just like in Autocad.

What I'd like to see is the ability to have a Wall have built-in Detail components that can be turned off/on as needed. So--an 8" CMU wall would not only have a cut pattern/hatch, but a new tool for "show detail components" which could be automatically turned on/off at certain scales, like coarse/medium/fine settings are already set up.

Now, change the 8" CMU to 12"--automatically updates.

Yes--this is a serious challenge for the Factory--and I already can hear all the nay-sayers saying "no way--the model will get too big" blah blah blah.

New hardware , 64 bit OS with tons of RAM, blazing fast CPUs and MULTI-THREADED
SOFTWARE would be required. But 5 years from now, this will be status quo.

We all would love it if we had this ability. True BIM detailing.
We will laugh years later and say, "remember when we used to use all those dumb 2D detail components-LOL"

Just my experience from the trenches.


2009-01-23, 06:30 PM
What I'd like to see is the ability to have a Wall have built-in Detail components that can be turned off/on as needed. So--an 8" CMU wall would not only have a cut pattern/hatch, but a new tool for "show detail components" which could be automatically turned on/off at certain scales, like coarse/medium/fine settings are already set up.

That, i too, would love to see. Hell, i wouldnt even mind if they WERE detail components... but we could bury them IN the assemblies, instead of in the views. Techically, we CAN constrain these things so they shift when a wall moves 2 inches, but its not always that easy. I had to edit the structure of a wall today, that removed one layer entirely and replaced it with one somewhere else in the wall... But the sections were detailed. It wasnt a HUGE issue, but even contraints wouldnt have fixed it... As that layer had disappeared all together.

Consider this: We already can ALMOST do it in some conditions. I can make a profile for a wall sweep, and embed detail components in the profile, and have them show in sections. If i could do that with walls / floors, it would be awesome. Go in the Wall Type Properties and place detail components.

BUT, it would be a constraints NIGHTMARE, with walls having editable profiles, unlockable materials, editable sweeps, variable heights... I have no idea how it would work, unless it defaulted to defeatable at every "altered" object...

2009-01-23, 06:31 PM
And in defense of the softwares current state... I couldve saved myself a LOT of those changes if those sections had detail GROUPS instead of just the detailing.

So -2 points for me....

Scott Womack
2009-01-23, 09:50 PM
OWhat I'd like to see is the ability to have a Wall have built-in Detail components that can be turned off/on as needed. So--an 8" CMU wall would not only have a cut pattern/hatch, but a new tool for "show detail components" which could be automatically turned on/off at certain scales, like coarse/medium/fine settings are already set up.

Now, change the 8" CMU to 12"--automatically updates.

Yes--this is a serious challenge for the Factory--and I already can hear all the nay-sayers saying "no way--the model will get too big" blah blah blah.

Like you and Aaron, I'd love to have this ability. My only concern is that at some point, we would have to enter this data into the material, or the wall by answering a series of questions, etc. (Look at the number of potential brick sizes, and the endless number of patterns). The productivity gain that could be realized it mind-boggling. Yes, Adesk, start working on this. While we are at it, to Aaron's comments, I'd love to be able to embedd a repeating detail (of brick) into a component of a wall, and tie the width of the layer to the width of the brick component in the repeating detail. Much easier for the factory to accomplish.