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2009-01-22, 07:37 PM
Which method is easier?....Applying Finishes by Modeling? or Applying Finishes by Painting?

Scott Womack
2009-01-22, 08:01 PM
Which method is easier?....Applying Finishes by Modeling? or Applying Finishes by Painting? Probably painting is most often considered to be less work, but if you need to quantify materials, you need to model. Modeling can give you a greater amount of "automated" control over the graphics.

cliff collins
2009-01-22, 08:02 PM
Quick answer: Painting is easier.

Better, more informed answer:

-Painting is a quick, non-permanent option for exploring various materials
perhaps early in the design process. Also, explore using Design Options
to test different concepts.

-Painting can get you into trouble, when split-faces suddenly get deleted as wall joins are edited ( sometimes unknowingly by other team members ). Painted elements
can sometimes "lose their paintjob" and revert back to By Category, or someone
will not realise something has been painted, and will not be able to change the material, etc.

-A more thorough/complete/permanent method is to model the materials onto elements. This is preferred once selections of materials are determined, and documents need to be produced, as in Material Schedules, Lists, take-offs, etc.

-Floors are a good example. Make a new floor type which includes just the finish floor,
say 3/8" thick ceramic tile. Place this floor, along with all your other finish materials
into the Architectural Shell/Core model.

-Wall coverings/veneers can be separate, thin walls.

-Paint can even be a separate wall, or with a layer of gyp. bd. behind it.

Does this help?


2009-01-23, 12:52 AM
Thanks guys