View Full Version : Selected object becomes invisible when trying to move it

2009-01-23, 06:56 PM
I have a user in the office who is working on a file (in which no other users are having the same problem) in which anything she selects becomes invisible. It's becoming real annoying. Especially on her furniture layouts, where most everything she does is eyeballed to look good, and not necessarily fit perfectly together. She can still move it, but without being able to see the chair or table and it's edges she often has to move items multiple times. It only becomes visible again once deselected.

I cannot find anything in the visibility graphics that would cause this. Nor none of her settings. So far she is the only person in the office to encounter this problem. It's specific only to her, and only on this single project.

Any help or ideas as to what could cause this would be great.


cliff collins
2009-01-23, 07:06 PM
Do only certain objects/families behave like this?

Or perhaps a graphics card issue? Try changing Display Settings
in Options>Settings>Graphics Open GL off/on etc.

Does this help?

Another thing, when the object is being moved, is it being placed on a Workset
which may be turned off?


2009-01-23, 10:23 PM
Also I wonder if it is view specific. What if you try moving it in a 3d view do you get the same results. If not either way you can maybe duplicate the view and see if it does it in the newly created view.

Good Luck.