View Full Version : No Glow :(

2009-01-23, 10:15 PM
Anyone know of another way to achieve this in materials? Prior to RAC2009,I used this feature to keep interior ceilings from going dark gray on me. I know the feature is no longer available, but wonder if anyone has found a workaround (I assume I'm not the only one with this problem?).


2009-01-23, 11:02 PM
You can assign "self illumination" to a material in the project. Then use that material for these objects

2009-01-24, 12:20 AM
Hi Jeff,

I'm afraid I don't get it. Self-Illumination seems to be a "render" attribute. But even so, I can't find how to change that attribute. In Help, I search for "self-illumination." I get two results. One looks helpful; it is a "Generic Material Properties" and has "self-illumination" listed. But, it supposedly is something I can change in the "Render Appearance Tab." But, it's not there, so apparently there's more to the story. I suppose I need to learn Revit 2009's rendering program? (which I don't use, for a couple reasons). But then, is this "self-illumination" attribute something that kicks in only in renderings, or will it solve my original problem, which is, without "glow", my ceilings turn gray on me (talking about regular old interior camera views.


2009-01-24, 01:30 AM
I believe this 'Glow' feature you refer to must have been a render attribute in Accurender? I never used Accurender, so please correct me if I'm wrong. But I don't think there was ever any 'Glow' feature for 'regular old' camera views.

2009-01-24, 02:50 AM
Hi Muttlieb,

There was a "glow" attribute for regular materials. It was a checkbox. RAC2009 dropped that and "smoothness" and "shininess," which were amounts, not checkbox.


2009-01-24, 03:02 AM
I don't have 2008 installed on my home pc so I can't check right now, but those attributes sound like material render settings that would be visible in a rendered view, not in a regular camera view.

2009-01-24, 03:03 AM
That's what I'm thinking, too.

Alex Page
2009-01-24, 03:21 AM
I don't have 2008 installed on my home pc so I can't check right now, but those attributes sound like material render settings that would be visible in a rendered view, not in a regular camera view.

yes - but Narlee is talking about the 'shading' apperance, where you had a 'glow' tickbox so your shaded views lightened up - especially ceilings - this is unrelated to the accurender material

But Narlee, the whole thing has changed, it actually works better I believe.
its hard to explain, so follow these steps and you will hopefully see what I mean!:

In your Shaded view go to advanced model graphics (whether you use shadows or not).
Tick 'Use sun position for shaded display'
change Sun position: Change the azimuth to be 0d, altitude to be 90d, tick 'relative to view'

it works! As I was saying - follow the steps and the logic of it will start making sense

2009-01-24, 01:27 PM

Absolutely Brilliant! Thanks so much. Couple of notes. It helps to put the Brightness to 100%. And, it seems like the Shadows On is still ok but depends on the sequence of the last steps. A little odd on that, but no matter. (or maybe Shadows work differently down under!!).

Really appreciate that - THAT should really have been posted in Revit's Help Section at some point, so people know. I hope an Autodesk person is reading this, to pass that along.

Thanks again,
Geof Narlee

2009-01-24, 01:39 PM
I would add that, on the Materials Graphics Tab, I would check "Use Render Appearance for Shading." My lightly colored floor turned white without it.

2009-01-24, 01:55 PM
Alex. Right again you are (this time regarding Shadows On/Off). Shadows On is fine, but may then need to adjust the Cast Shadows Contrast setting.

Thanks again,