View Full Version : New Pantone Colors

Indiana Dog
2009-01-24, 03:45 PM
The Pantone colors I need for a building are not available in Revit 2009. So, I purchased a Pantone Digital Color Library from Pantone and Pantone said I could use it with Revit. It has a TIFF swatches included with it. Does anyone know how I get those colors to show up in the Pantone color selection within Revit? Please help!!

2009-01-24, 10:59 PM
I have a thing called "Pantone for Architetcure & Interiors" that installs in windows
and puts a little icon in your windows toolbar that allows you to set the color chooser to Pantone or windows color picker, maybe that where you should look

2009-01-26, 04:35 PM
Interesting question, but I never came across anyone asking this before. Does the above post answer your question? Did it work for you?

Indiana Dog
2009-01-26, 10:19 PM
Thanks jwilhelm, but I am not sure if that would do it or not. I want to choose colors for use within Revit, just the Pantone colors offered are not near enough to choose from. The software they (Pantone) sent me does not work. Would your "Pantone for Architetcure & Interiors" allow me to use additional colors for materials within Revit? Thanks for your help!

2009-01-26, 10:42 PM
Yes it does work within Revit , you just pic the color chooser you want to see from the windows toolbar and thats the one that shows up in Revit