View Full Version : Using a void array to parametically cut geometry?

2009-01-26, 07:44 PM
Basically what the title says. I'm building a little something for a friend, who asked for a parametric wc casework that aligned to surrounding walls, and automatically defined the number of sinks to place according to the lenght. I've built it, but when it came down to creating the voids to cut the wholes for the sinks everything went haywire......

I can't get the voids to follow the same array as the sinks, they don't always cut the geometry, and they're driving me nuts......

I'm posting what I've got so far

Any help?

Thx in advance
Pedro Alvito

2009-01-26, 07:55 PM
Put the void in the sink family?

2009-01-26, 07:58 PM
I've tried that. Inside the family editor it works fine, but when I place it on a project, it only assumes the original amount of cuts, so if I save the family with 4 sinks, then expand it inside the project to 8 or 9, only the first 4 are cut (actually the first one and the last 3).....

EDIT - Here's the version with the void geometry inside the sink group.

2009-01-27, 12:18 AM
Try using a face-based family for the sink, see the attached file, where I nested your sink in a face-based family and added a void inside the family. The solid in the family must be pre-cut with the void (Cut Geometry command) for it to work.

clog boy
2009-01-27, 01:54 PM
Have you tried using Openings?

2009-01-31, 12:03 AM
Try using a face-based family for the sink, see the attached file, where I nested your sink in a face-based family and added a void inside the family. The solid in the family must be pre-cut with the void (Cut Geometry command) for it to work.

I've tried using face-based families, but for some reason, only the host gets imported (in this case the table top), with the void cut (still can't get it to adjust parametically tough...), but the sink just disappears.

I swear this is getting weirder and weirder :P
Thx for the help thus far!

I'm gonna try openings next.

PS: Where can I get a list of what a face-based family does and does not cut? I've tried on floors and walls ant it cuts, but on casework for example, the void doesn't cut the geometry

Pedro Alvito

2009-01-31, 02:07 AM
To cut casework, you need to nest a face-based family and have it cut the geometry in the family editor. You cannot us a face-based family to cut casework in the project envrionment.

2009-01-31, 08:54 AM
To cut casework, you need to nest a face-based family and have it cut the geometry in the family editor. You cannot us a face-based family to cut casework in the project envrionment.

True =( I found that out the hard way. Still, would be sweet if we could. I know something I'll add to next year's wishlist =P

So far the only solution I found for this is to create a big number of arrayed instances in the family editor (more than you think you'll ever use), and save the family like that. This way, inside a project it will always have to draw less voids, which is okay.

Thank you all for your help.

Long live Revit!