View Full Version : voids with pier footings

ray salmon
2009-01-27, 12:52 AM
recently i made a ground with just generic solid then made a void to represent the footing then grouped and then copied all over where the other posts would be. however when needing to change the size of footing(or represented by a void) it would not change the other instances of it. and thus not cutting the ground with new sized pier footings. this worked great with cx going thru the post, pier, and footing but could not update globally the sizes, not sure if the void was in a family if it cut the ground.

just trying to get advanced with this...


Andre Carvalho
2009-01-27, 02:47 AM
Are you creating an in place family? If yes and you are copying it after you finished the family, then each copy will be a new family and therefore won't change if the original one changes...

If it is an in place family, try creatim all inside the same family. You can group the elements you want to be the same while editing the family.

Andre Carvalho