View Full Version : August meeting of S.F. Revit User's Group - Tuesday the 26th

2003-08-21, 09:16 PM
Hello everyone,

It's been a very busy month for me, so I'm sorry but I have to postpone the User's group meeting this month. Normally it would have been tonight, but obviously it isn't. It instead will be held next week, on Tuesday evening, the 26th.

In our second meeting, we will hopefully be talking about Worksets. This will encompass the creation & management of Worksets, how to use Worksets to separate different parts of the project, tips for Workset success, and using Worksets in a multi-user environment.

If I can't get someone more experience in Worksets than I for the meeting, then this month's meeting will be about 3D rendering within Revit instead :) (a topic that I actually do know well- I wouldn't be much better than the help files to explain worksets, for we haven't gotten into them heavily yet). This will encompass efficient Accurender use within Revit, Radiosity and complex lighting in Revit, how to create and get better quality materials & plants in Accurender, managing your Revit Accurender material libraries, and exporting Revit models to Viz & Radiance for higher-quality rendering production.

I should know by tomorrow which it will be, and will follow up with a second e-mail. If there is someone out there with lots of Workset experience that would be willing to present, even in limited fashion, then maybe we could tag-team. But I hoping to bring in someone that knows a lot more about worksets than I.

I am hoping to have this be more round-table discussion and information sharing than a Lecture or a Demo, so while I (and others) will be showing what we know about Worksets, please bring along your examples, questions, problems, and we'll talk about them too.

Huntsman Architecture Group,
50 California, Seventh Floor
San Francisco, CA 94111

Tuesday, August 26th, 2003

6:30 pm start, and expected to go for at least an hour or two.

We'll have some snacks and sodas. If you can, please e-mail me to say that you are coming, so that I can get a head count. Hope to see you there!

For those of you not familiar with Revit, Worksets in Revit allow you to split up a project by any user-defined criteria into 'worksets' for both project organization and to allow for the project to be worked on at the same time by multiple people. It's a very complex, but very powerful feature of Revit, for changes in one workset are visible and can drive changes within another workset, all while Revit keeps the worksets in sync. So one person can be working on the exterior walls of a project while someone else works on the interior furniture spaceplans, and a change in one will show up in the other when that workset is saved back to the central project file. Great stuff!

Those that are Revit-curious are welcome to attend, but please keep in mind that this group is for primarily Revit users and their issues, and as such not too much time will be devoted to demonstrating Revit or explaining Revit's basic functions.

2003-08-21, 11:04 PM
I just wanted to express my gratitude publicly to Jeffry for taking he time and making the effort to put together a user group meeting for fellow users.

Thanks Jeffry! :D

2003-08-21, 11:09 PM
Jeffery -

We did worksets at our last meeting, call me and we can discuss what worked and what, how should I put this, was a little more challenging.

I will post your time and location on the front page...

2003-08-25, 08:49 PM
Hello all,

Seeing that I've been too busy to line up someone well versed in Worksets, I've decided that this week's user's group meeting (tomorrow) will be about Rendering and 3D with Revit, a topic that I do know a lot about. We'll talk a lot about Accurender; making new materials, making decent looking materials, lighting, Radiosity, Animations, plants, RPC objects, and how to tweak your renderings to look better and render faster. I'll also cover import/export issues & methods where the model is generated within Revit and rendered with a more robust 3rd party package, like Viz or Radiance, as well as showing some example renderings that we've produced with Revit & Revit in combo with another software.

Eventually, I would like to set up something on worksets similar to what Jim did down in L.A., where two computers are set up side-by-side, working on the same project. This I feel is probably the best way to show how worksets really work. If anyone is interested in helping me set this up for next month, then please e-mail me and we'll get it set up.

Hope to see you tomorrow night!