View Full Version : generic model , void form, void extrusion

2009-01-28, 09:33 PM
i was placing on the fce of a brick wall and (i think) i had it past the face (into the wall 1") and a little outside the wall.....when i used the cut geometry tool everything seemed to be fine but then it appeared as if i had cut holes in it....reveal was meant to be a pattern of rectangles in wall surface .... i wanted the brick pattern to be visible at the back of the recess and it wasn't

2009-01-28, 10:52 PM
I've never seen a reveal with a pattern in it in Revit, I thought the reveal profile simply ran the length or height of the wall.

If the familiy does indeed have some kind of [patterning, I would think it would be set to be visible only in fine detail level, so perhaps change that, else edit the family and check it.

It's very hard to determine the actual issue without the file (or at least screenshots)

Andre Carvalho
2009-01-28, 10:57 PM
i was placing on the fce of a brick wall and (i think) i had it past the face (into the wall 1") and a little outside the wall.....when i used the cut geometry tool everything seemed to be fine but then it appeared as if i had cut holes in it....reveal was meant to be a pattern of rectangles in wall surface .... i wanted the brick pattern to be visible at the back of the recess and it wasn't

Use the paint bucket and paint it with the pattern you want.

Andre Carvalho

2009-01-29, 01:59 PM
thanks.... would post pdf to view....but i got frustrated and undid the work....i will post if the paint bucket doesn't do the trick....i think if i just set down for one day and learn what all the buttons do i would be better off