View Full Version : Changing wall trashes ceiling lights

2009-01-29, 10:26 AM
Hey there...

Has anybody experienced the following..
I have a simple(ish) building with 4 levels shaped like an L, the core (lifts, stairs WCs etc) at the intersection. I have suspended ceilingsin the wings. Here's the problem...
If I edit any of the the external walls the ceiling fitted lights seem to mirror themselves about a 45 degree axis and therefore land outside the ceiling and therefore want to erase themselves. By edit I mean just change from say 250mm thick to 300mm thick.

The ceilings have been drawn with sketch lines not pick walls.

Any ideas?????



2009-01-29, 01:59 PM
try pinning the lights before changing the wall. Lights move with the surface pattern of the ceiling unless they are pinned.

2009-01-30, 12:19 PM
Thanks Scott,

I didn't think of that one. In the end I cut the lights to the clipboard, changed the wall then paste aligned to same place.

I still dot undersand what causes the rotate or mirror as shown in the creen shots

