View Full Version : Schedules

2009-01-30, 02:48 PM
I'm looking to do some Demo & New Construction “Take Off schedules”, mainly concerned about walls. I've been studying a lot about manipulating schedules and such, but when doing walls we do not have the parameter to select levels, like on other objects like doors and windows. Nor can a find a example of how to tally the column for lengths which is what I want to do.

I've seen it graphically in some of the on line tutorials, but no where am I finding a step by step illustration / video on how to do this, I’ve even searched “Revit City” and a few others hoping to find a sample I can download and dissect, so far no luck.

I don’t want to spend a ton more money on more tutorials, since what I do have so far has cost me a ton.

Does anyone know where I can find examples or samples of this; even a good “In Depth” tutorial or site for helping me become more sophisticated in designing schedules.

Thanks Tons,


2009-01-30, 06:16 PM
Well, I know this is probably not the answer you are looking for, but a work around would be to add a custom Field to the Walls so you can manually designate which level you want to add the wall to. Then you can filter your table by the new custom field.

I know it seem like there should be an easier way, but I am not aware of one. It seems like there are some parts of the model data you just can't get to.

2009-01-30, 06:29 PM
Sorry my english is bad.
Are you talking about shedules for different phases of construction.

You have "phasing" paramteres for walls and schedules. Just select witch phase the wall belongs to and then at the schedule tell waht pahse this schedule is about.

Conserning schedule by levels for walls , yes problem.

You could use manual method by selecting all walls on certain level and add comment (or mark) to them. Then you can filter your schedule by this parameter.

2009-01-30, 06:36 PM
Don't know of a tutorial, but not too bad to set up. Here's one method.

1.) Create a wall schedule, and select parameters "family & type", length, (you also have a choice of length & volume parameters).

2.) Go to settings / phases, and set up a phase filter that shows demolished walls only, and set up another filter that shows new walls only.

3.) Go back to your schedule, and select view properties. Set the phase filter to either of the phase filters you set up above.

3.) Go to the sorting/grouping tab, sort by family and type, and uncheck the "Itemize every instance checkbox.

4.) Go to the formatting tab, select length (and or area and volume) and click the "calculate totals" check box.

If you want to sort by level, add a shared parameter to walls called i.e. level, go to each level, globally select the walls, and type in that parameter, which level you are on, then go back to your schedule, and sort by this parameter also.

Once done, duplicate the schedule, and change it's phase filter to the other one you created above.

You now have a schedule of new walls and demolished walls.

2009-01-30, 07:34 PM
Is there a way to calculate the components of compound walls in wall schedules??

2009-01-30, 07:45 PM
If you use a compound wall, it automatically schedules the compound walls as the individual wall components. So, one compound wall would equal 2 or more walls shown in the schedule depending on how many walls are compounded.