View Full Version : Wall Clean up

2009-01-30, 05:13 PM
I am posting an image of an issue that one of our users is having with getting walls to clean up correctly. We have one wall, with the material stopping at 8' and because of that the walls are not cleaning up correctly. I have tried setting the wall to wrap at ends and it is not helping. does anyone have a way to fix this without having to edit the profile of the wall?

2009-01-30, 06:07 PM
It will require some troubleshooting.

First, I would check the Wall Type Properties, Edit the Wall Structure and check the first column labeled "Function" to see what is assigned to the wall component. Make sure the exterior parts of the wall you want to clean up is part of the same Function (i.e. Structure 1, Finish 1, etc.) and the 8' high part of the wall is part of a different Function (i.e. Structure 2). See if this helps.

If not, try using the Edit Wall Joins tool to toggle through different cleanup options.

2009-01-30, 08:25 PM
well i got the wall with multiple materials to wrap correctly, and the two masonry materials are set as structure, and both walls have the sme function. The walls are both going to the same height as well, and they still dont clean up properly in a 3D view. in plan view they look fine, it is elevation or 3d view, they dont clean up properly.

2009-01-30, 08:32 PM
Yeah, wall cleanups can be complex. Can you upload a sample so I can check it out?