View Full Version : Underlay color

Carlos GT
2009-01-31, 02:26 PM
I have a plan with an underlay view, but I would like to have the underlay elements a little bit darker, I tried to override the color to black, but they did not change, I can override the color though, but the elements still remain in a background color. By the way I am using RAC 2008.

Any thoughts.

2009-01-31, 03:00 PM
You cannot change the appearance of an Underlay. The workaround is to create an additional view duplicate. Take the one you want as an underlay and apply a phase filter/view filter/override elements so it shows just the way you want. Then drag it onto a sheet and overlay your regular view on it. Revit will infere where they perfectly align (you get a horizontal and vertical "crosshair" and the view snaps to the other).

2012-09-12, 01:14 PM
You can change the appearance of the underlay - in 2012 it's under Manage/Additional Settings/Underlay.
