View Full Version : working on a grading plan

2009-02-02, 08:16 PM
i need to change few points on my "new" siteplan. i put the points in areound the building perimeter and now i need to move a few up....i can't seem to find (select) those points....i turned off all the model stuff that i thought would keep me from seeing them and i still can't find them......i can see them when i edit topo in section.

2009-02-02, 08:36 PM
if you go to a plan view of your surface, you can click on the surface and click "Edit" then the points will show up, you can click on one of those and enter in the new elevation, like in the example attached.

2009-02-02, 09:02 PM
yea......but i just cant seem to find the ones i put down next to the building, i wanted to knaow is something was covering them up......wait, will verify that i placed my new points on the new topo (not existing)

2009-02-02, 10:05 PM
if you verify they are on the correct topo, i would try turning off your building, then editing your topo surface and see if the points show up. or you can go into a section, select edit topo from there, and using the window tile (WT) function, see the point you select in section in the plan view.

2009-02-03, 01:25 PM
Make sure your view range extends down below your floor level to include the level of those points. Only points inside the view range will display when you edit the toposurface.

2009-02-16, 10:55 PM
i got off this for a while........back on it now.....thanks guys

2009-02-16, 10:58 PM
I always work in wireframe mode when grading topo points makes everything easy to see.

2009-02-17, 01:18 PM
I always work in wireframe mode when grading topo points makes everything easy to see.

But points outside the view range will still be invisible. I always make sure the view range for site plans is set to like 500' above the ground floor and 100 or 200' below to make sure everything is included.

2009-02-17, 01:29 PM
what seemed to work was.....i made a grab for alot (arbitrary large amount of existing points) in the area where i was working, and deleted them.....that seemed to relieve the topography from being anchored to the points in the region but still kept general shape of topography.....that let me get my swale in without a bunch of jagged edges (i'm assuming jagged edges were a result of some point that i couldn't see.....good heads up on the view settings to, thanks