View Full Version : curtain wall family type (more than one panel)

2009-02-04, 12:19 AM
After configuring a curtain wall a certain way (i.e. spandrel glass on top, unevenly distributed horizontal mullions, etc.., see image)

is there a way to save this as a new family type that could be repeated?
As far as I can see the family type can only have one type of panel, and evenly distributed mullions, am I missing something?

Dimitri Harvalias
2009-02-04, 12:43 AM
Configure the grids, mullions and curtain panels as required. Save as a new Type. Group the whole assembly and then you can re-use it in numerous locations throughout the project.
The unique type name allows you to tag it as a separate wall type. Having it as a group allows you to re-use and make edits to multiple instances at once.
You are right that the 'style' settings can really only be applied to very regular grid patterns.

Mark James
2009-02-04, 01:53 AM
As far as I can see the family type can only have one type of panel, and evenly distributed mullions, am I missing something?
You could create your own custom curtain panel and use it as the default panel type in your curtain wall style.

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