View Full Version : AutoCAD primer for beginners?

2009-02-04, 06:49 PM
I have a few employees whom I'd like to get familiarized with CAD basics, mainly so that if they need to reference a drawing or make a quick calculation they can do it themselves if I'm busy elsewhere at the time. So I was wondering if anyone has any recommendations for a website I can point them to that they can go through on their own time and get familiar with navigating through different views and basic drawing and annotation?

Thanks in advance.

2009-02-04, 07:32 PM
You could get them to join AUGI and point them in the direction of the ATP's (http://www.augi.com/education/archive.asp?page=293).

2009-02-04, 07:54 PM
The ATP's are a very good tool

Or you could try:


Okay that last part was a joke :lol:

2014-02-18, 01:38 AM
myCADsite.com provides excellent FREE tutorials

Tom Beauford
2014-02-21, 03:44 PM
Many helpful videos on YouTube, start at https://www.youtube.com/user/AutoCADExchange then have them build playlists and subscriptions for an easily customizable reference.
Other great sources:
http://www.cadalyst.com/listing/78/circles-and-lines & http://lynn.blogs.com/
Just notes from Opie: http://justopie.github.io/